Here's your pistols




Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
Not to mention it wouldn't make sense. What good would incendiary and cryo rounds do? Only four powers in AR actually shoot bullets. Then you have a grenade, a beanbag, two flamethrowers, and shells. Would it be shooting cryo fire? Incendiary beanbags? As amusing as that might be.
Lets not use fallacious logic here. Think about the THREE powers in AR that use bullets. Those three fit in line with the powers in DP for ammo selection with the exception of buckshot being shotgun rounds (not much you can do there other than beanbag rounds, rubber bullets, slugs and flechette, with a remote possibility of a sabot round and maybe even an HEI round). Of course my 11 years in the army were indeed full of lies about APHEI, Kinetic penetrator,Tracer and SLAP rounds for rifle ammunition and big gun ammo. I could see a beanbag dipped in kerosene though...Not to mention those darn lies in The Punisher comics lol. On a serious note, I am curious to see the numbers and ranges on Dual Pistols.

Rifles and pistols come in a variety of calibers and ammunition types in real life as well as some BFG types in comics, so I just want some clarity on how the ammunition will play out for other firearms based powers. Regardless, I will be AR till the game dies.

But I do have my DP/EM toon name hidden deep away lol. I know parity is a long shot in this game, but again, it never hurts to hope.

A whole bunch of 50's.