Deadly Apocalypse: Possible Strat




I've yet to see one fail and haven't even begun to see this statement as true or necessary. I'm seeing banner's fall with a small handful of random people taking them out.
If you just have a handful of people in the zone at the start of the event, and don't have sufficient coverage on all the banners at the same time, it's very possible to fail to take them all down. The one's I've seen fail did so because there were maybe 4 or 5 people in the zone (redside) and the banners remained invulnurable till about 6 minutes remained on the timer. That's not enough time to get all 4 banners, especially if they're spread out, and especially if there's lots of MMs that have their pets (and the damage they bring) taking longer to get from banner to banner. The banners also regenerate if you don't have enough firepower.

Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.



It was actually really easy to get all the banners in 1 pass.

As people funnelled into the zone, teams were formed and orders given to fan out.

As the damage bar went up, I called out the order, and assembled my team at the first one (red.. in KR). I called out the next as the red one was falling. Rinse. Repeat. I didnt have problems getting people to listen.

There were people at the other banners as we marched in and cleaned up, but the 2 teams that were working together were able to get badges for all those in range of everything when they fell. The GM went down fast as well. Total time was 18 mins for all 6 badges. +2 merits. Woot.

Tanker Tuesday #72 Oct 5 @Champion

"I am not sure if my portrayal of being insane is accurate, but damn its fun all the same."