Trading Reward Merits for Vanguard Merits?




Well, like I said, I did it for fun, I didn't do it just to get the VM.

Also, I remember seeing someone ask in the Player Questions once about the best way to get VM, and after he was told the Ship Raid, he said he'd done one, and on got 10 merits off of it. He also hadn't done in the intro arc.

Paragon Wiki said you can't earn any no matter how many Rikti you kill until you get the badge from the intro arc, but it's wrong. Possibly it's a bug, who knows?



I don't mean to come back into my own thread to make a... Point? Another point? A counterpoint?

The idea is to trade in Merits for Vanguard Merits. Architect Tickets and Inf are completely not in this equation.

I don't want trading of Vanguard for Reward Merits, because VMs can be acquired simply from fighting Rikti, and a ship raid would make Reward Merits into something of an exploit to get, because there's no capability to provide diminishing returns for enemies that only give 1-3 merits per kill.

I stand by my original suggestion: 1 Reward Merit for 5 Vanguard Merits. No reversal of trading, and no involving Inf, Architect Tickets, Brainstorm Ideas, or ANYTHING.