The Great Character Bio Round Up Hoe Down a Go Go!




What the hell. The wheels flew right off of my NaNo attempt. Depending on the name you use, you may have to edit. it will be really tight on space.

Soledad Vega

(name) was always a shy girl, always trying, but never really fitting in with her peers. Still, she was liked well enough to be brought along. In their senior year of college, they took a week off for Mardi Gras. (Name) needed convincing, but eventually went along.

On the fourth night, in a drunken haze, they wandered down an alley and wound up well away from the party. There, behind a dumpster, lay an old woman dressed in rags and scarves. Peaking from beneath those rags was an odd, black pendant. Dares were passed around and (name) came in last. In an alcohol induced desire to finally fit in, to truly be a part of the group, she plucked the pendant from the old woman’s neck.

When the glow from the flash faded, the old woman was little more than a pile of ash, and (name) was completely sober. She felt the power of the pendant coursing through her body and she knew, somehow she knew, that with that pendant in her possession, she could never die.

Fitting in never mattered so little. Goddesses have no peers.

My first short story (detective fiction) came out in Jan-2012. Other stories and books to follow, I hope. Because of "real writing". COH was a big part of that happening.



That's astounding, Tog! It fits in near perfectly with her attitude and my preferred RP style. I'm also fancying the idea of her just stumbling upon the necklace. Originally I'd had no idea how that'd come into play, aside from perhaps a family heirloom. So I'm thinking I'll run with that. Many thanks!



Originally Posted by Surgepoint View Post
Name: Bow and Aneurysm
Origin/AT: Science Blaster (arrow/psy)
Appearance: Uses Baron set from the Magic pack heavily, mostly black, white, and tan. The hat, cape, and trim on everything is tan/khaki-ish. Pants are brown. He uses a standard longbow colored mostly black with tan grip, but is willing to change (especially with Vanguard Merits). Overall he looks sort of old-timey pilgrim-ish. Caucasian, brown hair, smug expression.
Near the end of the 19th century, as the British Empire was receding, many an Englishman found life back home too dull. One such man was (name).

Having spent a good deal of his life in India, the thought of returning to York was not appealing. Instead he traveled to America. A land where one could find culture and chaos, often less than a day’s travel apart.

It was here that he became a pawn in the war between Edison and Tesla. On the last day he can recall before the event, he had been hired by Edison to spy on Tesla. His hiding place was ill chosen and, in an early attempt and what would later be referred to as “the Philadelphia Experiment”, he was drawn into a far different world.

Somehow, the energies used to transport him through time had also awakened a seed in his mind; a seed that had been planted while in India. His new psychic powers, combined with his English ancestry and a world where adventure lurked around every corner, gave him a renewed sense of purpose.

My first short story (detective fiction) came out in Jan-2012. Other stories and books to follow, I hope. Because of "real writing". COH was a big part of that happening.