can I add 2 missions that are saved separately?
As far as I know there is no way to combine missions that were made seperately. I guess it's another thing for the wish list.
Writer of In-Game fiction: Just Completed: My Summer Vacation. My older things are now being archived at until I come up with a better solution.
The missions are just files on your computer. (C:\Program Files\City of Heroes\Missions i believe is the default)
I can't imagine it being tooo hard to just hand edit them if you really wanted to.
He can edit them on his system, but that will not add it to the published mission in any way. If he doesn't care about keeping that old mission up, then editing the files on his system (I would strongly advise making copies of both and working only with the copies for this. Especially the new mission, since you always get a fresh copy of the old one.), unpublishing the old version, and publishing the new version works.
The only way I can see getting it added to the published mission without unpublishing, is doing a copy and paste of all the text to notepad, then recreating the new mission in the published arc while editing.
Justice Blues, Tech/Tank, Inv/SS
Fighting The Future Trilogy

As mentioned, you cannot currently merge extra missions into a Published Arc, but you can copy and paste them from one text document into another; However be aware that you need to copy and paste everything between and including the text lines...
... to get each mission, but that this will NOT include any custom characters on that mission, as they are stored at the end of the arc file. You'll need to reset them in the UI, or manually copy them in too to get them to work.
Sadly then you'll have to unpublish and republish the new version, losing votes and comments; I'd also add that, if you would prefer to copy text into the published version in order to avoid losing votes, try and write out rather than cutting and pasting all the text details... I've seen the text go wrong due to invisible and incorrect HTML tags being transferred when using C&P. Also bear in mind that any changes to your custom mobs and groups made to the local files will get uploaded when you hit Republish too, so make sure that you are happy with the state of all the supporting files first.
I actually did try this but something didn't end up working. I might have not cut and pasted eaxactly the right lines or something.
I ended up remaking it but I did use the text file to copy and past my dialog and descriptions from. That worked out fine.
Thanks for the reply!
Global: @MomentaryGrace
Servers (to date): Liberty (primary), Infinity, Protector, Virtue, Justice, Pinnacle
MA Arc: ID #143659 "Visit Scenic Arcadia!"

MA Holiday Arc: ID #346847 "Yule Laugh, Yule Cry (Yule kiss a happy holiday good bye!)"
The only way I can see getting it added to the published mission without unpublishing, is doing a copy and paste of all the text to notepad, then recreating the new mission in the published arc while editing.
This is more or less what I ended up doing. Though I just opened the mission file in notepad rather than copy pasting to it.

Global: @MomentaryGrace
Servers (to date): Liberty (primary), Infinity, Protector, Virtue, Justice, Pinnacle
MA Arc: ID #143659 "Visit Scenic Arcadia!"

MA Holiday Arc: ID #346847 "Yule Laugh, Yule Cry (Yule kiss a happy holiday good bye!)"
I did try to copy and paste the second mission into an unpublished copy of the old mission. Something ended up not working, the file was unusable in MA.
I did then recreate the mission, adding to the publuished version of the first one. I copied descriptions and dialog from the text file of the new mission. It worked out all right.
I now have my 2 mission arc and I'm happy.
My newbie mistake is kind of a one time only deal, once you know how the editor works, you never do that again.
Thanks for the reply.
Global: @MomentaryGrace
Servers (to date): Liberty (primary), Infinity, Protector, Virtue, Justice, Pinnacle
MA Arc: ID #143659 "Visit Scenic Arcadia!"

MA Holiday Arc: ID #346847 "Yule Laugh, Yule Cry (Yule kiss a happy holiday good bye!)"
I'm new to creating architect missions. This is a question I bet has been asked and answered before, and the answer may be a simple "no" but I just want to verify before I redo a bunch of work.
I created my first mission, saved and published months ago.
Today I created a second mission. I intended it to be a sequel to the first but I didn't realize the proper way to do that, so it was created with its own file.
Is there any way to combine the two missions, in other words, to load one mission to another?
Thanks in advance.
Global: @MomentaryGrace
Servers (to date): Liberty (primary), Infinity, Protector, Virtue, Justice, Pinnacle
MA Arc: ID #143659 "Visit Scenic Arcadia!"
MA Holiday Arc: ID #346847 "Yule Laugh, Yule Cry (Yule kiss a happy holiday good bye!)"