Preparing for upcoming Halloween event




I am expecting that soon, perhaps next week, the Game Devs will bring the Trick or Treat event back to have us 1) get rocks, 2) struggle through 145 costume drops for the ghost pirate outfit, 3) spawn evil pumpkins that don't count toward a badge whenever the door spawns a Trick.

Deal is, while all my Champion characters have used costume salvage (from SG storage bins) to gain their extra costume slots, various alts I'm running on other servers (hello, Tanker Tour) haven't gotten them. Which means that once the Halloween event comes on, I may end up running in Pinnacle, Justice, or Liberty servers. You know, gotta take care of them too...

MA Author: Look for my eight arcs under @Witty Librarian!
Hero Cleanup Protocol estory now available! Through and most ebook retailers!



Originally Posted by WittyLibrarian View Post
Deal is, while all my Champion characters have used costume salvage (from SG storage bins) to gain their extra costume slots, various alts I'm running on other servers (hello, Tanker Tour) haven't gotten them. Which means that once the Halloween event comes on, I may end up running in Pinnacle, Justice, or Liberty servers. You know, gotta take care of them too...
I've got toons 5-25 on all three of those servers; and am always willing to go where there is a team to be found. Especially Pinnacle, where my Silje the Mad Curler (lvl 25 blaster) needs more love.



I have plenty of toons on Pinnacle and Justice. Look me up when you are on and I'll surely assist you. (@Murlon)

From what I've seen the evnt should start tomorrow (the 20th) and run through the 3rd of November.

The Halloween event is by far my favorite "Seasonal" event. Should be fun this year with tha addition of the new Zone Event.

The Heroic Origins of T-Spiker Arc ID: 246162



daggone it!!! I cant wait for the major-league Zombie-bashing zone events! Those get Epic!



Well, I plan to make sure all my new alts get the 5th costume slot, then I want to stockpile a bunch of costume salvage in the Static Team Villain Base for all the new players coming in, then I have a few toons on other servers (Pinnacle, Liberty & Freedom) that I want to get the costume slot for. So, you can catch me on those servers too.

Member - Pingus, & Legendaries
Angry Sysop 50 BRUTE - Angry Woodsman 50 TANK - Angry Florist 21 CONTROLLER
"Did your Phantom Army just take the Elevator? Imaginary People riding Elevators? *facepalm*



Well the event is up.

I figure on being Pinnacle for this week, mostly. Except for the Tanker event tonight on Protector...

My primary on Pinnacle is LaJeanne Gaspar, 29 PIRATE! for the Bloody Bay Bucs SG we tried forming on that server... has it been 3 years or 2 years ago we did that? Anyhoo. If anyone else here has a PIRATE with the Pinnacle SG, now's the time to dust em off!

MA Author: Look for my eight arcs under @Witty Librarian!
Hero Cleanup Protocol estory now available! Through and most ebook retailers!