Advice for secondaries please. /dark or /traps
It depends on your playstyle. I've played /dark extensively and it plays a lot like a controller. It has a nice aoe heal, a BAMF debuff in darkest night, a cone fear, a single target hold, and a pet who does all of those. If you like playing as a controller, you'll love /dark.
On the opposite side of the coin, /traps is easily defense cappable when paired with bots, making you incredibly difficult to kill, and also has a ton of good powers to tear the world a new butt hole as a walking force of unstoppable chaos and destruction. Acid mortar makes everything take more damage, poison gas trap halts regeneration, triage beacon is like a perma, though immobile, instant healing, seeker drones pick up alphas and debuff the mobs ability to hurt you, and trip mine is just too damn fun if you enjoy setting a boom line before you pull a boss. Also, /traps is really nice if you like to take AV's and hold them underwater until the bubbles stop. I find it helps morale to be laughing maniacally because there's not a damn thing they can do about it, too.
I can't say enough good things about either set. They're both so awesome. Although I will say that /traps can be a little boring in the early levels. It doesn't become active until about SO level. That is of course unless you're REALLY into immobing things.
Try slotting multiple procs into caltrops and tossing them on a group with your bots on passive. Watching things die from pain in their feet = maximum fun!
So I might be a bit newbish asking this but which one overs a better DPS ?
And with Bots/, you should really like immobilising things. Keeps them in burn patches and clumped for laser bursts. Plus, Web Grenade is a -recharge, making it good mitigation against bosses and other high-damage targets.
Damage-wise post 32 Dark has an advantage until you get your patron immobilize with traps. Tar Patch works so well with the Assault Bot's fire patches it's just amazing.
Traps will offer more proc-heavy powers such as caltrops, acid mortar, poison trap, and trip mine. Traps will win with damage, but in no way does Traps outpreform Dark in survivability unless it comes down to certain situations in which the constant protection of the Force Field Generator overpowers Dark's ability to ToHit debuff. What I mean to say, is that Dark can be overwhelmed in many circumstances involving recharges and ranged enemies. If there are too many that avoid clustering, or if it becomes too spread out to evenly debuff everything then you've got a problem with Dark.
Both are extremely fun and work wonderfully with Bots. All that you need to do is pick one you find more interesting or promising.
I`ve looked through both powersets, and already made a Bots/Dark MM. But I would like for your experienced opinions about the two. I like the control over the bots you get as a MM. Its my first time playing one. I love the destructive capabilities a toon like this offers.
So I might be a bit newbish asking this but which one overs a better DPS ? How are these secondaries best used to get the most out of them and which secondary fits bots best ?
I played a lot or Red Alert and other RTS and i`m a bit nostalgic with the bots and moving them around placing them in the best positions for battles. So I`m looking at a mini army that can wipe out whatever it meets.
A second question, does positioning help or do the mobs eventually just run around. I`m curious about pulling a boss or a certain foe off a group, or dividing a mob in half.
Thanks for reading