+recharge inspirations




Hmmm, my experience tells me it would be abused (perma everything, just keep clicking a million of those and nuke every fight or what have you).

What WOULD work though... Recharge Debuff RESIST + Speed Debuff RESIST. That way you can't abuse it, but it would prevent quicksand from being such a deadlock or prevent web grenade spam/snowstorm from making your Practiced Brawler not come back in time or keep your heal from coming around in time to save the tank or whatever.

Increasing your overall recharge rate could pose issues that PREVENTION of debuff to such a stat would not. I felt throwing speed debuff resistance in would be helpful and fit the theme pretty well.

The color could maybe be silver.



What about instead of +recharge, one that basically just acted as more time? I'm not sure if it's even possible, but an inspiration that you just burn and every power gets 30 seconds worth of recharging done instantly? Or 1 minute, 3 minutes, whatever you like. Seems like it would be more useful for adjusting the odds within specific battles, though I'm not sure if it'd be more or less unbalancing.

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



Originally Posted by Archon099 View Post
Hmmm, my experience tells me it would be abused (perma everything, just keep clicking a million of those and nuke every fight or what have you).
So you already keep yourself at the Defense softcap with full mezprotect by clicking "like a million" purples and breakfrees? Seriously, try it. See how far you get.

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