Claws/Elec, which powers are skippable?




I started playing around with a claws/elec brute, but I'm really stuck figuring out which powers to skip. Both claws and elec have a lot of good powers, and I'm really struggling trying to fit it all in there. I grabbed stamina and was hoping to grab tough as well, but that really limits the options I have (either grab little to no patrons or I'll have to skip a bunch in my primary/secondary).



Patrons are pretty unnecessary for claws/elec. They dont give you anything worth having IMO, if I were to fit tough in, it'd be there.

Edit: Also, what I plan to do with my claws/elec is take stamina at 22, and respec out of it at 36 when I get power sink slotted. It's something like a 30 second recharge when 3 slotted, and I can go 30 seconds without whiffing I think. That frees up a lot of powers. Also taking SS frees two over other travel powers for hasten is reccomended.



Yep, I'm planning to drop the Fitness pool at 37 (so I can also sell all the then out-of-date SOs for cost price). That means space for Follow-Up and Boxing & Tough.

I'm getting the Mu epic. Cages means I can use Shockwave without it knocking enemies back and also getting Ball Lightning as a follow on from Spin for more AOE damage. Maybe take Static Discharge as well, the 3 -End powers combined with Power Sink & Lightning Field might let me work as an occasional sapper (once I can Frankenslot few Set IOs in to them perhaps).

From Claws I'm skipping Swipe or Slash, and Taunt. I'm taking everything from Elec. SS is my travel power, for Hasten. That leaves 2 power choices, I'll take 2 of Mu Lightning, Static Discharge or Weave, haven't really decided which yet.



Originally Posted by Carnifax View Post
From Claws I'm skipping Swipe or Slash, and Taunt. I'm taking everything from Elec. SS is my travel power, for Hasten. That leaves 2 power choices, I'll take 2 of Mu Lightning, Static Discharge or Weave, haven't really decided which yet.
CJ for LotG.



Originally Posted by Metacreativity View Post
CJ for LotG.
Something I can never aspire too , my altisis prevents me worrying about things like getting LotG, the most I'll be doing is frankenslotting with cheap slots.



I'm playing a Claws/Elec myself at the moment, as I solo primarily I skipped Taunt, and as it doesn't do very much damage, I skipped the Claws single target Ranged power in favor of getting Gloom. (I went the GW route with my patron).

Originally Posted by reiella View Post
Until I see something that states to the contrary, going to assume VK is right .



Originally Posted by Von Krieger View Post
I'm playing a Claws/Elec myself at the moment, as I solo primarily I skipped Taunt, and as it doesn't do very much damage, I skipped the Claws single target Ranged power in favor of getting Gloom. (I went the GW route with my patron).
I favor Focus lack of redraw and faster recharge. It can be easily placed in a chain. I use a black wand for pulling.

50 SM/WP Brute - D Block
50 FM/ELA Brute - Raging Daemon
50 Acher/MM Blaster - Dark Reiver
50 FM/SD - Firestorm Brigade

You were right to fear me...



Originally Posted by Ocasta View Post
I started playing around with a claws/elec brute, but I'm really stuck figuring out which powers to skip. Both claws and elec have a lot of good powers, and I'm really struggling trying to fit it all in there. I grabbed stamina and was hoping to grab tough as well, but that really limits the options I have (either grab little to no patrons or I'll have to skip a bunch in my primary/secondary).
Swipe and Taunt. One of Eviscerate and Shockwave (depending on your taste).

Grounded if you get a -KB IO. Power Surge.

That's about it. If you take everything else, you will have room for Stamina, a travel power + prereq, Hasten, Weave and two more powers of your picking. You don't need patron powers for a Claws toon, except as IO mules - you got everything they can offer (except for the summon but doh).