Anyone else hear this?
By any chance, are you using a character that has the Invulnerability powerset?.. and do you have Invincibility turned on?
If so, then you are experiencing a known issue. The sound you would normally hear when the power is toggled on, is instead triggered every second you have one of the secodary buffs of that power (when foes are in range).
Play without the sound.
Don't use that power.
Play in PvP zones (for some reason, it doesn't do it there.)
That could easily be it since both toons I was using were brutes with invincibility turned on.
But did this just happen with the last patch, because I don't remember this noise happening before?
In discussions on the Tanker forum, I found out that you can select the "No FX" option and have this sound go away (I believe it was BillZBubba that figured it out). There is a fix for this in the current build on Test, so hopefully you won't need to use a workaround for too long.
Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc: Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory
Thanks, Grey. You were spot on.
Someone mark the day this gets fixed on live. Then remember to mark the day it crops up again.
Yesterday's patch brought blessed relief from this noise. Hope it lasts! : )
Since the last patch, every time one of my toons begins a battle, I hear the weirdest sound effects -- like I'm in the middle of a giant factory, and all the gears are churning at once, incredibly loud.
It continues until the last mob is down for the count. Sound goes away. Swells up as soon as I fight someone else.
I changed toons. I changed mobs. I changed in-game sound settings. No avail.
I petitioned, and was told they'd get back to me. But they haven't yet.
Anyone else hearing this? And if you did, did you figure out a workaround?