Is it possible to do this in MA?




I am working on a MA story. I'd like one of the missions to be based on the character entering an area and collecting an item, and *NOT* beating the bejeezus out of everything that moves. The NPCs will still technically be an "enemy" group and hostile. But I'd like to trigger the "You Failed!" dialogue if any of them is actually defeated. Is there a way to do this? (Basically, if the player is able to stealth through the mission, the contact congratulates them on doing a good job and not harming guards who are just doing their job. If you pound them, the contact congratulates them on being a violent thug.) Since we can't actually create branching missions, the story will continue regardless. (And it does still provide an option for AT/Powerset combos that can't sneak.)



Possibly... use multiple hostages or escorts that are hostile without an enemy group. If they are defeated before being rescued...Hmm... Not sure of the timing but I believe you could get the general idea to work. It would probably be very sparsely populated and and only vaguely like you are envisioning it.



Originally Posted by Grateful_Dude View Post
Possibly... use multiple hostages or escorts that are hostile without an enemy group. If they are defeated before being rescued...Hmm... Not sure of the timing but I believe you could get the general idea to work. It would probably be very sparsely populated and and only vaguely like you are envisioning it.
I'll try that and see if it works. That would actually work fine with what I have in mind, since it's basically a "sneak into this office and get some files without killing everyone" mission. Most offices don't generally have several hundred security guards on staff. At least, not all in the same five rooms.