Ok, DXP is coming up




I'm not going to do anything special this time. For the last Double XP Weekend, I spent the prior weeks buy and crafting to build up inventory, then spending almost all weekend trying to unload everything. I spent more time cycling through all my characters to refill their market slots than playing. It was too much work. Not to mention, that my supposed higher profit bets didn't pay off. I'll try to get rid of some more of those leftovers and do some general garage sales to clear out my storage bins.

Teams are the number one killer of soloists.



Well somebody (or more than one someone? whatever) is up to their old shenanigans...
Seriously, 595 Bids on Level 20 Common Acc IOs? - Blueside, someone used to do this Redside a year or so ago.

There's similar schemes = Several hundred bids on Lvl 20/25 End Mod IO Recipes.
and 50-100 or so listed for sale - at prices higher than the Crafting tables sell them for...
Well, somebody (or several somebodies) are setting themselves up for the weekend. I saw a bunch of items with 600 bids and 90 for sale, 1800 bids and 300 for sale... or some fairly similar ratio of placed bids vs. items for sale.

Example #1 = level 25 & 30 End Mod Recipes same deal, hundreds or thousands of buy bids - and 10 or 15% of that number listed for sale at MORE than half the price to craft = (roughly) more than twice what they sell for from the crafting tables.

Example #2 = level 50 Doctored Wounds (triple) Recipes - roughly the same deal, like 600 bids on the recipes and 60 for sale. (That was yesterday, iirc).

And there are plenty of other recipe/IO listings that look just like this = with 1200 bids and 90 or so for sale...
Despite all the people in this thread saying they aren't gonna be marketing this weekend, there are obviously some people that appear to be devoting a whole server worth of characters on one or (maybe) two niches.

I'm betting someone is overdoing it - getting just a little TOO greedy, and counting on more stupid and/or impatient people than there really are playing - maybe because of the reactivation weekend?

That doesn't seem particularly wise, I'm predicting that this Double XP Weekend will be much like the last one - less than stellar. Because, not everyone can crank out Common/Uncommon IO's and ALL expect to rake in huge profits.
Maybe some folks are shooting for smaller margins and betting on volume to make up the difference? That doesn't seem like it'd be worth the time trying to undercut everyone else on Common IO sales, but heck - what do I know?

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
City of Heroes didn't fail, City of Heroes was killed. If a 747 dropped on your house, you'd say you were killed, not you failed to find a safer dwelling.
"The U.S. is in no more danger of coming under Sharia law than it is the rules of Fight Club." - Will McAvoy.



Originally Posted by Cardiff_Giant View Post
Well somebody (or more than one someone? whatever) is up to their old shenanigans... That doesn't seem like it'd be worth the time trying to undercut everyone else on Common IO sales, but heck - what do I know?
The secret is to be uncommon.



Selling common IOs, your throughput is limited by the fact that enhancements, unlike recipes, cannot be listed in stacks. Also, most people assume that the crafted enhancement will cost more, and try to buy the recipe instead without checking prices. So I wouldn't be surprised if whoever is behind this ends up earning more than any common IO crafter can.