Buggy Experience in Missions? (Not the 75% limit...)




I spent about the last hour reading/searching the forums for an answer to my problem, but came up empty. My friends and I have been playing again since I16 came out, and enjoying the changes. However, we've noticed a distinct issue with AE mission experience. Please read the whole post before passing judgement :P

In our missions, using custom enemy groups, we get half the experience we should be, and a paltry number of tickets. I read here, and discovered that STANDARD weapon difficulty will give a 25% penalty, so we tested and made sure to put everything to HARD or EXTREME.

It is true, we get a 25% penalty on STANDARD. This is about 149 experience for a white custom minion at level 39. We get 198 experience for a white custom minion with HARD/EXTREME. But a green Carnie or green Freakshow minion gives us 328 experience! We are soloing, so it isn't like some group mechanics is getting us.

Similarly, our minions give 1-2 tickets. The carnie and freakshow minions give 3+.

Any idea why this is so bad? I sample some published missions and it looks like about 10% use custom enemies with normal experience and ticket payout, and the rest suffer from this reduction. Any help is appreciated.



Do you have minions, LTs and bosses in your villain group? You must have each rank in order to receive full xp.



That...would probably explain it. I had a custom group for each set (one for minions, one for Lts, one for bosses) to organize them and help with our testing. I'll retest and let you know. Thanks for the help :P



One other thing I have noted and did not see any mention of is a ticket cap per mission. Did they change this and I just missed it? Right now, it seems like my missions are capping around 300 tickets/mission. Seems like my ticket/kill is about right, but caps out way too soon.