Having a Problem With Mids'




I was browsing through some of my build ideas, implementing new philosophies and what not, and I noticed the level 50 power for my Scrapper is Adrenaline Boost... Which Scrappers do not get. It's not highlighted anywhere in my power list either, and I don't know how to delete it so I can get the preferred Physical Perfection power in that place that I had wanted. Is there some sort of button command to delete powers?




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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



what you may have to do is save your toons to a folder then uninstall the mids you have and download the latest version.



I have the latest version. For whatever reason it saved a power the character couldn't have had, thus there was no way to get rid of it by just clicking it off, which is why I wanted to know if there was a button command. I wound up just remaking the character off what information I did have without the error.