Ok, Illusion/Storm is incredible, but.....




Originally Posted by ketch View Post
Storm is still awesome. Lightning Storm is not. It's so slow that I rarely summon it outside of AV fights. It would be nice if they would adjust the fire rate, endurance cost, and/or damage to make it a little less situational.
I still bring Lightning Storm out, but I am aware that it will not contribute a lot anymore. That is a total shame. The "fix" on Lightning Storm happened inadvertantly... they were fixing another problem altogether.

From the time I started up in March, 2005 I had read in guides and the forums that one of the benefits of Hasten was that pets summoned while it was active also received the benefits. I thought this was an intended feature of Hasten. So the "problem" was there for years and the "fix" took the Storm community by surprise. Adding to everything is the unfortunate truth that written communications are very difficult, so the announcement was not exactly met with a standing ovation.

Like you, I would hope that Upon Further Review, the devs would tweak Lightning Storm as you describe. I really don't think the old fire rate with Hasten was a gamebreaker. Any increase in the fire rate would be a big improvement.

"How do you know you are on the side of good?" a Paragon citizen asked him. "How can we even know what is 'good'?"

"The Most High has spoken, even with His own blood," Melancton replied. "Surely we know."



Has anyone managed to get some immob ability going for their Illu/Storm?
All I can see is using a proc Razzle Dazzle in Tornado but that won't help much on AV fights I guess.
Anything else I'm missing here?