~Imperious TF - Monday October 5th~




Originally Posted by Master-Blade View Post
Last night? I thought you were trying to tell me that the fix already went live and it was supposed to be like that. I was saying there was supposed to be yet another fix for it to allow for increased difficulty, and I was just trying to find out if it went live yet.

Sorry for the miscommunication. I have a lot going on and miss some of the chat at times.
It wasn't last night, but a few nights ago. I forgot which. It's not a problem, just glad I'm not completely crazy :smirk:

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Originally Posted by Luna de Nocturne View Post
It wasn't last night, but a few nights ago. I forgot which. It's not a problem, just glad I'm not completely crazy :smirk:
I'm the crazy one. I can admit it! lol



We picked up Crusty from the Freedom TF channel and then proceeded to kill anything that looked at us funny. I was a little off last night so I had Gen break Rom. As always a fun time. Now to move my desk so I can be comfortable.



Originally Posted by Master-Blade View Post
Apparently, it was just a temporary fix to prevent -1 from making TFs and/or Mo-TFs too easy. They did this by making the setting not apply to the TF at all, and stay at +0. Unfortunately, this apparently means that even a setting of +4 would result in lvl 50/51 on the ITF. I guess even Mary Macomber doesn't level up to 37 anymore either, so they still have to finish fixing it so the TFs work as designed again. bleh. lol

Angeliscar.. did LR's team go back to 54, or are they still spawning around 50 with the +0 setting?
Yep ol Big Legs was definately still spawning at 50



Yea I know I bite it twice the first time around...and the DC'd the second time when we were going to fight Rom the second time. Man that sucked. Still though it was an absolutly great time for both runs.

Thanks for the team MB!

You only fail if you give up. - Dana Scully

Time Jesum Transeuntum Et Non Riverentum - Nick Cave

We're not just destroyers, at the same time we can be saviors. - Allen Walker