Enemy Request.




Ok, Honestly, I had no clue where to post this, so I started mah own thread. Don't be hate meh cuz I'm awesum.

Ok, here's my problem, I'm trying to make an epic tale of Red vs Blu Caps, But But I needz a Snaptooth, and without it my arc is kind of lacking, it makes me a sad panda ((



Is Snaptooth not available at all? Can't say I have ever looked for him.




It made me a sad panda. I have to use renamed fiends nao, but snaptooth > fiend.

Red vs Blu will never be complete >:O



Originally Posted by Not_Epsilon View Post

It made me a sad panda. I have to use renamed fiends nao, but snaptooth > fiend.

Red vs Blu will never be complete >:O
Wow... I wish I could be turned into a panda... sad or otherwise.

Well, not really.



A bit odd considering you can plop GM's into your arcs and Honouree even.
Have you tried buying the Seasonal Event groups? (If any)



I have all the packs, Everything, he isn't even IN the MA.

Still, I R Sad Panda.



Signed for Snaptooth in the MA.

I hate that guy. Ruining Christmas isn't enough. He tries to ruin a whole year's worth of holidays in one shot.

So, I heartily endorse his inclusion into the Mission Architect. Just so I can whale on him at my whim!

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