Destructable Objects Bugged?
That bug has been in the system for a while. First you need to damage the guard of the object, then they should be able to target the destructible object normally. And yes that means if you do not set any guards around the object, it can't be destroyed.
Justice Blues, Tech/Tank, Inv/SS
Fighting The Future Trilogy

Ok- that is how I have it set, as a single object. At least I can do something about that. Thanks for the heads up. Can't keep up with all of the info out there!
Mainly it's the "alerted" state that makes the destructible object a valid target. If the guards see you, the whole detail is alerted, and the object becomes targetable. However, sometimes, the guards don't seem to see the player-- that's when you have to whack them on the head.
That bug has been in the system for a while. First you need to damage the guard of the object, then they should be able to target the destructible object normally. And yes that means if you do not set any guards around the object, it can't be destroyed.
This behavior (where the guards won't alert when you're right in front of their face) seems to be something new, though. I don't remember having that problem before. It's always been that a simple peek-a-boo was enough to make the object valid. Correct me if I'm wrong on that though; just my experience.
Check... and Mate (poster) - Arc ID# 15095 (comments)
Invasion on Earth BX1132! (poster 1) - (poster 2) - Arc ID# 98943 (comments)
Global @ARH
I published a mission arc (Trick or Treat? #323332) that worked fine while testing, but I have been told by two people who have tried to play it, that a destructable object in my second mission can not be destroyed- it comes up as an invalid target. I ran the mission and sure enough, it did the same for me. I replaced that destructable object with a different one, hoping it would solve the problem, and also allowed the object to be placed anywhere in the game instead of at the end, but had the same problem. the object shows up when it is supposd to (appearance is based on the defeat of an enemy), but I get an invalid target message when I try to destroy it.
Any ideas about how to fix this? Am I going to get an invalid target with any destructable objects?