if you only had 8 beacons (blue side)...




Starting a tiny SG on Triumph for just my partner, myself and two close friends. Won't need all the super fancy base stuff, but was thinking about the convience of the SG base telepads. Two teleporter rooms are not out of reach, budget-wise, so my question is

If you only had 8 beacons (blue side): which locations would you choose? And why?

I'm thinking
Atlas (lots of running to City hall, plus easy acess to Vangaurd base for RWZ)
KR (so many missions send you there)
Talos (easy hub for high end play)

Perez Park (dear gods, the missions that send you there)
Crey's Folly (pain to get to)

but i'm undecided on other locals.

I reject your reality and substitue my own!
--Adam Savage from "Mythbusters"



I would add Steel for University access as well as Midnighters Club/Cim/FF/Croatoa access.

(or FF or Croatoa for same reasons depending on how you like the beacon dropoff points)

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Originally Posted by Brimstone_Bobby View Post
Starting a tiny SG on Triumph for just my partner, myself and two close friends.
If you'd like a coalition for the rest of the teleporters, feel free to let me know. Unbidden - Triumph is... er... large.. but the teleporter rooms are right off the zone-in room, as is the medical room.

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Originally Posted by Impish Kat View Post
I would add Steel for University access as well as Midnighters Club/Cim/FF/Croatoa access.

(or FF or Croatoa for same reasons depending on how you like the beacon dropoff points)
I prefer Independence Port for University access - if your load times aren't too long, taking the conveniently located train to Croatoa seems to be the fastest way to get to the University. Because of the proximity to the train, the IP beacon point is probably the single most useful higher-level beacon. Quick trip to Founder's Falls, where the Vanguard building is right next to the train; Talos, Wentworths is right next to the train; Croatoa, the University is at it's closest point to the green line. Talos itself isn't too bad, but if I had to choose just one I'd go with IP.
Originally Posted by Cende View Post
If you'd like a coalition for the rest of the teleporters, feel free to let me know. Unbidden - Triumph is... er... large.. but the teleporter rooms are right off the zone-in room, as is the medical room.
I set up the entrance and med room diagonally adjacent to each other, with the two teleporter rooms on the other diagonal. The entrance and med room have doors only to the two tp rooms (both off the same corner so you can see both at once). The rest of the base is accessed from the tp rooms - 'fluff' areas from the far sides of the large tp room, workshops when placed will be accessed from the far sides of the small tp room.

If you are in a hurry to get somewhere, you are right next to the teleporters... and with the only exits right next to each other and only to the tp rooms, there is no confusion about which way you're facing. If you want the workshops, it still won't be much of a walk, and again there will be no confusion about facing when you arrive in the base.



Here are my picks and reasons.

Atlas - Yellow Line fairly close - Hop to steel for University access - Hollows and Perez access
Talos - Green Line close - access to "green line zones" - also access to Skyway
Crey's - easy access for that series
Boomtown - No one ever goes there, but when they do it sucks
Peregrine - to avoid the Talos to Peregrine trek
Faultline - I do those arcs most of the time with new guys

And then I use my base's other two slots to be interchangeable to what I need at the moment. It's just me and a friend so he never cares if I change them. I have all beacons so whatever I need I switch out to. One is usually the Hollows, for low level toons. And also Striga stays up alot for the Wedding Band and War Wolf arcs. I use the Wentworth's dayjob, Pocket D teleport, Mission teleporter, and Ouroboros Portal to fill in any other transportation gaps.



Originally Posted by Tyrak View Post
I prefer Independence Port for University access - if your load times aren't too long, taking the conveniently located train to Croatoa seems to be the fastest way to get to the University. Because of the proximity to the train, the IP beacon point is probably the single most useful higher-level beacon. Quick trip to Founder's Falls, where the Vanguard building is right next to the train; Talos, Wentworths is right next to the train; Croatoa, the University is at it's closest point to the green line. Talos itself isn't too bad, but if I had to choose just one I'd go with IP.
Interesting thought... I guess the way I figure it, you'll be spending the same time either way; either loading onto the train or traveling across a zone (depending on your 'puter). *shrug*
Both IP and Steel have the benefit of a Tailor in zone as well.

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What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson
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Thanks for all the ideas and sugestions.

i'm leaning towards adding Steel (close access to Boomtown and Icon from the port in location).

So that would be
Perez/Crey's Folly

That takes up 3 teleports, and leave one free for beacon swapping.

Now, off to grind prestige!

I reject your reality and substitue my own!
--Adam Savage from "Mythbusters"



I took out the Ouroboros connections because that's always the easiest way. If you play lots of lowbies, you want to reconsider...

-Perez Park
-Crey's Folly
-Croatoa (University)
-Dark Astoria
-King's Row
-Eden (only if you do Hamis)

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To be honest, the only non-hazard zone porters you need are Kings' Row and Independence Port. Both drop you fairly near to either the Yellow or Green Line. Then you can use your other six porters for hazard zones.

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That works if you have good load times. At least one of the guys i play with does not have good load times, so minimizing the number of zones we have to travel is important.

Plus, unless things have changed a lot, the bulk of the hazard missions are in Perez, Dark Astoria and Crey's Folly (i've never had a door mission in Eden, and Boomtown seems rare as well)

I reject your reality and substitue my own!
--Adam Savage from "Mythbusters"