Call me crazy
You are crazy
"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...
Heheheh Synapse is so silly :P
i have been waiting for three days now to say what Goob already beat me to.... now it lost the fun :-(
Welcome to my world Quark!
My Lego Models lemur lad: God you can't be that stupid... I'm on at the same time as you for once, and not 20 minutes into it you give me something worth petitioning?
Lady-Dee: Hey my fat keeps me warm in the winter and shady in the summer.
From this post
Bless you, sir. I shall run your crappy Taskforce in your honor. It looks like we were both wrong, BillZ. Synapse hasn't spilled the beans yet on what it actually was. I'd still like to know how running at different variables netted different gains, but that seems like too much math. No more ******** about drop rates in PinnBadges now. I promise. Don't silence me, Jimmy... |
I read further on in another post from a dev something about a bug that would make the game think that the foes were conning grey. If I read that correctly, that would, of course, mean no drops, as you get nada from grey conning foes. Supposedly it has been bugged for a bit but some tweak in i-16 made it rear it's ugly head.
Maybe I'll run another ITF and get something this time beyond one Glimpse of the Abyss recipe.
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CoH/V Fan Videos
I wasn't wrong. I knew there was a problem.
It looks like we were both wrong, BillZ. |
Be well, people of CoH.
There was @#$@ing about drop rates in Pinnbadges? Why does no one TELL me these things?!?! ;-p
From this post
No more ******** about drop rates in PinnBadges now. I promise. Don't silence me, Jimmy... |
@Jimmy Amp
Currently working on:
Jimmy Crush - Kin/Regen Scrapper
"Life writes the best scripts."
From this post
Bless you, sir. I shall run your crappy Taskforce in your honor.
It looks like we were both wrong, BillZ. Synapse hasn't spilled the beans yet on what it actually was. I'd still like to know how running at different variables netted different gains, but that seems like too much math.
No more ******** about drop rates in PinnBadges now. I promise. Don't silence me, Jimmy...
The Unofficial Official of Nothing Official
Proud member of Nites of Darkness/Shut Your Pie Hole