


"Chains of Blood" and "Blowback" are about things like the price of expediency and redemption. There's nothing about either that absolutely requires the use of any of the groups or specific mobs I used.

The reveal regarding my version of the Legacy Chain's origin in "Chains of Blood" would require the Chain and (less so) the Circle being present in the story but that can be thrown under the bus without affecting the real story. The story itself wouldn't change. Just the stuff that happened would.

Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



I sadly had to agree that once again the strike against potential abuse was led with a counterproductive massiveness that caused almost exclusively collateral damage, but that to the extreme.

'There are some evil abusers using this one out of a many possible things down there, so lets kill the entire town' isnt a good policy to have happy citizens. Especially since as long as a single good farming method survives the evil abusers are not hurt much, but with every single removed option or zero-rewards critter a lot of formerly happy citizens are hurt.

Giving less rewards for less powers and so is a nice idea, but as it is right now, who's gonna bother playing a story arc with custom critter warning, when that means that they'll likely give no rewards or are made ultra tough in an attempt to make them give decent rewards? And by the time that gets smoothed, in issue 17 or whenever, the damage is already done.
While farmers can still farm happily, even by just making a map full of enemies that are the perfect easy prey for their powersets, or of glass scrappers and blasting them from above.



Originally Posted by BlueRaptor View Post
I sadly had to agree that once again the strike against potential abuse was led with a counterproductive massiveness that caused almost exclusively collateral damage, but that to the extreme.
Exactly, and the sad thing is that I could see it coming too...

Issue 16 hurts "legitimate" use of the AE TOO MUCH!!



This penalty for standard custom mobs is what disappointed me a lot too. I playtested my one and only decent arc several times with groups and realized I had to downgrade my custom mobs so that most had at least 1 standard powerset, to turn the arc into a decent but most of all enjoyable challenge.

I have been out of the game for several months, so I was wondering if there has been any new information about this xp penalty? Is something going to be done to compensate for this loss of xp vs difficulty balance?

What I didn't understand from some recent patch notes is that extreme gives more xp than hard, but I only saw mentioning of 100% xp for both extreme and hard in another patch note. So if I make a custom mob with standard/extreme would it get close to 100% xp?



All I know is that I spend a LOT of time making my story arcs and characters. I jumped through their hoops struggling to get the arcs to fit in the memory thimble they allowed us, and now I'm being forced to add critters to the groups so their memory requirements will go UP?

No, I'm sorry, but no. My stories are well made and are not farms. The charcaters are appropriate and not wimps (in fact, my representations of the Norse and Greek Gods are downright SCARY). No one plays my arcs now because they're not giving any xp. The "solution" didn't solve anything as far as I'm concerned. They threw out the baby with the bathwater.