Single Boss?
Yeah, that's really annoying. (And pointless for fighting farmers. You can put in a group of surrounding minions with no powers at all, and the bosses are just as easy to fight. I dont get it... )
I dont think you can fix it, I can only suggest you make a custom group with only minions with no defensive but aggroing powers and use that as the surrounding group, and hope they are defeated by a patrol of normal enemies.
Btw, the reason I want the boss by himself: I want him to fight the enemies on the map as well as the player. Totally breaks immersion to have a map-default enemy helping him >_>
What about an Ally-- maybe Escort-- set to single, set to betray upon rescue... with a Rogue alignment?
...The Rogue alignment is the trick, not sure if this can be done... ...checking...
Ehhh, won't work like that. No alignment setting on Escorts or Allies. And Betrayals only seem to go off event triggers you've added; can't seem to set to betray upon rescue or on delivery.
Check... and Mate (poster) - Arc ID# 15095 (comments)
Invasion on Earth BX1132! (poster 1) - (poster 2) - Arc ID# 98943 (comments)
Global @ARH
Escort enemy groups can be set to Rogue, this will result in an escort who is hostile upon rescue, but will give no XP upon defeat (probably because they can be set to Passive so you can defeat them with no risk).
You can get a single boss by setting the map enemy group to Empty, and setting the boss enemy group to Empty. Of course then you will have to populate the rest of the map by hand, using boss details and patrols. Very annoying.
Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper
Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World
Escort enemy groups can be set to Rogue, this will result in an escort who is hostile upon rescue, but will give no XP upon defeat (probably because they can be set to Passive so you can defeat them with no risk).
You can get a single boss by setting the map enemy group to Empty, and setting the boss enemy group to Empty. Of course then you will have to populate the rest of the map by hand, using boss details and patrols. Very annoying. |
So set your map to empty, then add whatever story details you want-- no different than what you would have done with an already populated map. Then, once you're done, see what the number is on 'add patrol'; those are your 'map spawns'. Just type in the number of patrols you want in that detail, and you're good to go.
I also like spawning patrols off of glowies and other objectives. If I make you do an escort, it's gonna be like the whole map respawned on your way out.

Check... and Mate (poster) - Arc ID# 15095 (comments)
Invasion on Earth BX1132! (poster 1) - (poster 2) - Arc ID# 98943 (comments)
Global @ARH
Well it can be used to good effect yes. The annoyance factor depends on a lot of things:
How big is the map? A small map is easy to populate, but a big map full of patrols might cause a bunch of patrols to cluster up and all hit the player at once.
What is the level range? A higher-level arc can get away with more boss details than a lower-level arc.
For that matter, are you using custom critters? Because then you can use lieutenants and even minions as boss details.
Causing some of the patrols to trigger off other objectives is a good idea, especially if you set them to spawn in an area the player has already passed through, to reduce the chance of running into multiple patrols at once. And bonus points for triggering spawns off an escort, leading one through empty space is so boring.
Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper
Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World
What about an Ally-- maybe Escort-- set to single, set to betray upon rescue... with a Rogue alignment? ...The Rogue alignment is the trick, not sure if this can be done... ...checking... (...LATER...) Ehhh, won't work like that. No alignment setting on Escorts or Allies. And Betrayals only seem to go off event triggers you've added; can't seem to set to betray upon rescue or on delivery. Rrr. |
Still doesnt fix the rogue part of course, and is a bit clumsy.

You could use something that auto-completes as a trigger, both to spawn the [s]boss[/s] ally as well as making him betray. (Real) allies or captives with no guards complete immediately e.g. (at least right now, though that is annoying too), so you can use one of that to make your boss become evil.
Still doesnt fix the rogue part of course, and is a bit clumsy. ![]() |
Check... and Mate (poster) - Arc ID# 15095 (comments)
Invasion on Earth BX1132! (poster 1) - (poster 2) - Arc ID# 98943 (comments)
Global @ARH
Yep. Never said it was elegant, and it doesn't make the boss 'rogue', but it works. Just tested it.
Upon entering the captive completes, the ally is spawned, and the ally betrays.
Of course the other question is if we WANT that to work. I for my case would rather at least have an option to have captives (or allies) only count as freed when you walk up to them, so you can attach a clue or mission objective to it. (Objective: "Talk to our chief". Found him: clue and new objective.)
On the other hand its neat for that large invasion battle scenario I have planned when the captives count as freed when an allied patrol rescues them too, so you dont have to find them ALL, and I can use that as timer to spawn more waves of invaders.
(thought that seems bugged, when allied patrols rescued a captive it didnt count and I couldnt rescue the captive anymore either)
... but for spawning a solo boss on a non-empty map through the back door, it works.
So, let me get this straight: make a captive, set to single, and set to spawn off of our 'rogue' ally being completed. Then set the rogue ally to betray on completion of the captive (which completes the moment it spawned). Then BAM! Instant betrayal?
Personally I would like rescue of the ally to be added as an option for ally betrayal conditions. Wouldn't solve the problems I mentioned but it would make the betraying ally possible on maps that allow limited captives.
Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper
Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World
Yep. Never said it was elegant, and it doesn't make the boss 'rogue', but it works. Just tested it.
Upon entering the captive completes, the ally is spawned, and the ally betrays. Of course the other question is if we WANT that to work. I for my case would rather at least have an option to have captives (or allies) only count as freed when you walk up to them, so you can attach a clue or mission objective to it. (Objective: "Talk to our chief". Found him: clue and new objective.) On the other hand its neat for that large invasion battle scenario I have planned when the captives count as freed when an allied patrol rescues them too, so you dont have to find them ALL, and I can use that as timer to spawn more waves of invaders. (thought that seems bugged, when allied patrols rescued a captive it didnt count and I couldnt rescue the captive anymore either) ... but for spawning a solo boss on a non-empty map through the back door, it works. ![]() |
Check... and Mate (poster) - Arc ID# 15095 (comments)
Invasion on Earth BX1132! (poster 1) - (poster 2) - Arc ID# 98943 (comments)
Global @ARH
You're welcome.
Yeah the only problem is 1: I think the ally will not fight unless you're in range, unlike a Rogue boss, and 2: you can't set defeating the ally as a mission objective, so unless your map is very linear you can't ensure the player will encounter them.
Personally I would like rescue of the ally to be added as an option for ally betrayal conditions. Wouldn't solve the problems I mentioned but it would make the betraying ally possible on maps that allow limited captives. |
If there's guards around the ally he doesnt betray until they are defeated. But if there are none, we are back at my old problem: He counts as rescued as soon as the mission is entered. (Which also is the source of your problem #2, as you can set rescuing the evil ally as an objective, which would force you to see and thus aggro him if rescueing didnt insta-complete without guards.)
But yes, for the purposes of insta-betrayal it would work fine.
Of course if he would only count as rescued once you find him, the instant-betrayal might indeed not work anymore. But I can still hope "Only counts as freed when walked up to" becomes an option, cant I?
Personally I hope they also add a timer event. ("IF timer is zero OR there are no objectives")
I'm trying to have a Boss be stand alone, as in, no minions around him. I did this before, but now, the option to make the "surrounding enemy difficulty" SINGLE doesn't exist!
I tried using "EMPTY" under "enemy group", but it still spawns him with a map-default critter.
And now one of my old published arcs is broken because of this change >_>
Any way around this? Is this going to be reverted soon?
Btw, the reason I want the boss by himself: I want him to fight the enemies on the map as well as the player. Totally breaks immersion to have a map-default enemy helping him >_>
Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)