Don't you hate ... ?




Don't you hate it when you are having a lot of fun in a big group, then a couple of people spoil it for you?

�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�



Don't you hate when some a**hole parks in your spot at work, even tho everyone in the whole building knows it's your parking spot, and has been for the past year now?



Don't you hate when a baseball organization buys a championship instead of earning one?



Don't you hate when fans of smaller-market teams cry when their team gets beaten by a team that is financially better off, yet their team had every opportunity to win and didn't make the plays or have the hustle to win?



dont you hate all this sports talk?

lol, j/k guys jus messin' with ya!



don't you hate when you feel all nervous and anxious and you don't know why?



Don't you hate when people can't just let you be all pissy and mad that your team lost, and grieve in your own way?



^Don't you hate the truth?



Don't you hate when you have to get up and go to WORK!?!?!?



Don't you hate getting cryptic (no pun intended) text messages from someone you don't know?