I'm gonna let you finish but..




Ok in accordance with FTM policies randomly applied somewhat sporadically. I am starting a new game. You will interrupt the poster above you but promise to allow them to finish. Let's just have goond clean fun and remember that not all of us quite love fishsticks enough.



Ok in accordance with FTM policies randomly applied somewhat sporadically. I am starting a new game. You will interrupt the.. Yo! New Age Knight I know you are trying to have some fun making fun of recent events but I got something I need to say and I'll let you finish later. I do not approve of Finnish dwarves riding reindeer for Christmas cards.



Originally Posted by NewAgeKnight View Post
I do not approve of Finnish dwarves riding...

Yo NAK, I see you making a new forum game. I'm real happy for you, and Imma let your finish, but Bounty Out For Kill is the best forum game of all time.



Originally Posted by Sentai_Sage View Post
Yo NAK, I see you making a new forum game. I'm real happy for you, and Imma let your finish, but Bounty Out For Kill is the best forum game of all time.
Yo Sentai, I understand you enjoy playing games. I'mma let you finish, but we gotta get more posters up in here. I mean we got movie posters and abortion posters but we need more.



Originally Posted by NewAgeKnight View Post
Yo Sentai, I understand you enjoy playing games. I'mma let you finish, but we gotta get more posters up in here. I mean we got movie posters and abortion posters...
Yo NAK, Ima let you finish, but abortion is just wrong... oh and to further make fun of recent events... you LIE!



Originally Posted by IdioticGenius View Post
Yo NAK, Ima let you finish, but abortion is just wrong... oh and to further make fun of recent events... you LIE!
Yo, IdioticGenius, I see you tryin to make fun of recent events. I'm really happy for you and I'mma let you finish, but this video is one of the best parodies of all time!



Originally Posted by Ichigo_ View Post
Yo, IdioticGenius, I see you tryin to make fun of recent events. I'm really happy for you and I'mma let you finish, but this video is one of the best parodies of all time!
Yo, strawberry... I mean Ichigo, I'm gonna let you finish, but for reasons i do not care to expose, I cant click on that link, so is that the thing where it mixes the two events I was mentioning?



Originally Posted by IdioticGenius View Post
Yo, strawberry... I mean Ichigo, I'm gonna let you finish, but for reasons i do not care to expose, I cant click on that link, so is that the thing where it mixes the two events I was mentioning?
Yo Idiotic Genius, I see you happily confuscious saying and everthing. Imma let you finish but don't squeeze the liver!




Originally Posted by NewAgeKnight View Post
Yo Idiotic Genius, I see you happily confuscious saying and everthing. Imma let you finish but don't squeeze the liver!

Yo NAK, Imma let you finish, eventually... But I squeezed the liver, and science is hard



lol, you guys are awesome, and Kanye is a dooshbag. OH.....and he LOVES fishsticks.



Yo, beyeajus. I see you being Condencending and all, and Imma let you finish, but Hot Pockets are the best microwavable treat of all time. Of all time!



YO Sentai Sage, I see you enjoying your Hot Pockets there, Imma let you finnish there, but Poptarts taste much better and can be eaten frozen!



yO, DOC. ER, IG, Isee you etin frzen tarts there, an I'mma letya finsh but I eat mine Neutral, Got that? Not frozen, nor toasted...



Yo, Early Girl. I see you being neutral and going both ways, and Imma let you finish, but Lawful Neutral is the best allignment of all time.



Originally Posted by Sentai_Sage View Post
Yo, Early Girl. I see you being neutral and going both ways, and Imma let you finish, but Lawful Neutral is the best allignment of all time.
Sentai, I'll let you finsh telling why Lawful Neutral is best, but I just want to share my keyboard poetry with you.
<> ! * ' ' #
^ " ` $ $ -
! * = @ $ _
% * <> ~ # 4
& [ ] . . /
| { , , system halted
which is read as:
waka waka bang splat tick tick hash
caret quote back-tick dollar dollar dash
bang splat equal at dollar under-score
percent splat waka waka tilda number four
ampersand bracket bracket dot dot slash
vertical-bar curly-bracket comma comma crash

�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�



Originally Posted by Early_Girl View Post
I'm gonna let you finish brown nosing Beyonce, but I just wanted to say that contrary to popular belief, the Eiffel tower is NOT made of eiffel.

�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�



Okay Healix,



Early, I'm gonna let you finish your cartoon but first

�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�



I see you making fun of Kanye again, and I'm happy for you, Imma let you finish, BUT THIS IS THE BEST GUIDE OF ALL TIME! OF ALL TIME!



Toilet manners are very important and I'm going to let you finish, but check out theis game! It's ADDICTIVE!

�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�