Hey, Ashcraft ..




The same way a lot of people immediately associate bacon with me, the moment they see it or smell it, I've apparently been tainted with your name the moment I see or hear something remotely squirrel-y.

So, while I am thinking you've already heard about this today, here's some squirrel publicity for you.

Bacon is still better.

"I do it better than anybody you've ever seen do it.
The screams from the haters, it's got a nice ring to it.
I guess every super hero needs his theme music .."



YAY BACON!!! That is all.



You're a sick woman.
I like it.

Member - Pingus, & Legendaries
Angry Sysop 50 BRUTE - Angry Woodsman 50 TANK - Angry Florist 21 CONTROLLER
"Did your Phantom Army just take the Elevator? Imaginary People riding Elevators? *facepalm*



Originally Posted by Ashcraft View Post
I have no idea why you would make that association...