Remember When....




Remember when you could level from 1 to 50 in an imaginary battle ground?

I have gone to find myself. If I get back before I return, Keep me here!



Do you remember the time, when we fell in love? You remember the time, when we first met?

Oops. Michael Jackson on the brain.



I Remember when I saw Arcanaville in game once...I just stood there awed to be in her presence.



Originally Posted by Angryellow View Post
Do you remember the time, when we fell in love? You remember the time, when we first met?

Oops. Michael Jackson on the brain.
piggybacking off this post:

Remember when Michael Jackson was a boy?

(sorry if that was in bad taste, but it had to be said by someone)



Remember when Michael Jackson was black?
(same sorry as Emmi)

I have gone to find myself. If I get back before I return, Keep me here!



Originally Posted by Early_Girl View Post
Remember when... you played hookey to play COH?V?
I was this close *holds thumb and finger 1 cm apart* to playing hooky from work today, but no, I was a good drone


Remember couldn't join your team in crey's folly cause they were in their 40s and you were 22 and they didn't have SK room?



Originally Posted by Hellsminion_CoH View Post
I was this close *holds thumb and finger 1 cm apart* to playing hooky from work today, but no, I was a good drone


Remember couldn't join your team in crey's folly cause they were in their 40s and you were 22 and they didn't have SK room?
Save that for when there is a DBXP weekend, eh?

Remember When you got an ambush outside of a mission that you unknowingly agrro'd onto someone else until they beat them, caught up with you and told you to be more careful, and you were in ww's by this point and argued with them that it wasn't your mob. You did thank them for the advice and it wasn't until they left that you realized that it probably was your mob?



Remember when you didnt know what bio meant?

(i remember for the first like 3 months of play every time someone said bio i thought they were changing there characters back story or "biography" and i would think to myself "man these people really do care about there back story a lot" lol)



Remember when Sonic was a grey/white powerset?




Remember when this board was much more peaceful when Khel was still on vacation

I have gone to find myself. If I get back before I return, Keep me here!



Remember when there were no Butt Capes?



Originally Posted by Early_Girl View Post
Remember when there were no Butt Capes?
I have yet to use one, is that a vet reward?

Remember when people use to form teams to kill the slug things in the lake at Perez Park?

I have gone to find myself. If I get back before I return, Keep me here!



Remember when you had to pay $50 just to get CoH without CoV?



Remember when the npc's used to swarm and run by the plaque between the train and PD in KR?

�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�



Originally Posted by Zyal View Post
I have yet to use one, is that a vet reward?

Remember when people use to form teams to kill the slug things in the lake at Perez Park?
No, lol I believe they are only available for veats. Someone may correct me if I am wrong...

Remember pwnt that AV?



...trollers and defs couldn't solo because they were beyond squishy?

�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�



Remember when you played with trialers trying to get them to join



Remember when you started your very 1st SG?



>.< No, but that's something I've been thinking about doing just for fun!

Remember when we had last year's Halloween Event?? It started WICKED! Everyone was like WHOA!!! COOL!

Remember When threre were pyramid quotes? lol .