Remember When....
Remember when you had under 1k posts?
Remember when there used to be debt in the game.
Remember When there was no Wentworth's
Remember when you could get to FBZ through RWZ? And there were no base transports, no o-portals AND no train in FF. We ran EVERYWHERE up hill both ways in the snow. <_<
Remember when AE was a good idea?
Remember when there were no AE babies??
Remember when Elude was perma....I'll never forget
Remember when flying was such a big deal?
Remember when you were "glomped" for the first time
Remember when you first joined the forums and wondered "What the hell is this freakshow?"
Remember when you finally joined your 1st SG? (I still remember turning down SG invites all the time cuz I thought they were team invites and I wanted to solo)
Remmber when you tried to type "ready" and ended up charging Frostfire?
Remember when you actually used to pay atention to the loading screen tips?
remember when I was Doctor what?
Remember when I didn't play?
Pepperidge farm remembers
Remember When I first saw other players in Atlas... I was terrified they would want to P.V.P... >.>
Remember your first visit to the Sewers?
Remember trying to make it safely across the Hollows?
Remember the joy of getting your first travel power?
Remember falling into those terrible crevasses in Faultline?
Remember when Enhancements would infinitely stack?
Remember when there was no Aggro cap?
Remember when you thought 1mil inf was a lot?
Remember when the Rikti invaded Peregrine? I do.
That my ElektraKiLL, smack dab in the center.
Remember when you used to go from rooftop to rooftop in KR hunting CoT?
Remember when you would "fly" across the Hollows using hover?
LOL, a pitiful attempt at a forum game but I laugh when I look back to my "newbie forum game days" because....

Remember when Early_Girl didn't know what "sniped" meant?
feel free to add your instances of Remember When...