I added the New Dev Digest to Google Reader, replacing my old red tomax digest rss since that one is still borked.
First thing: I get the same, old dev posts every few hours as new posts. I swear when I check my reader in the morning I have something like 150-200 new items in Dev digest, but they are all the old posts, just being pushed as if they were new. BaB's last digest post has been the last one since a day or so but in the meantime the Reader got like 350 new item listings which are the same old ones.
Second part, suggestion: It would be good to have the body of the post along with the title fed to your RSS. I mean there is almost no point in subscribing to simply the post titles without having a glimpse at the post itself. Kind of beats the purpose of reading the digest through RSS if you have to go to the forum to read the post, and go through the loading forums, graphics etc etuff. Especially since most Dev posts are responses and we all know how response subject lines relate to post content.
Yeah, I had to unsubscribe from it too. You might wanna try Devian's dev digest XML feed. I don't know how well it works yet.
I added the New Dev Digest to Google Reader, replacing my old red tomax digest rss since that one is still borked.
First thing: I get the same, old dev posts every few hours as new posts. I swear when I check my reader in the morning I have something like 150-200 new items in Dev digest, but they are all the old posts, just being pushed as if they were new. BaB's last digest post has been the last one since a day or so but in the meantime the Reader got like 350 new item listings which are the same old ones.
Second part, suggestion: It would be good to have the body of the post along with the title fed to your RSS. I mean there is almost no point in subscribing to simply the post titles without having a glimpse at the post itself. Kind of beats the purpose of reading the digest through RSS if you have to go to the forum to read the post, and go through the loading forums, graphics etc etuff. Especially since most Dev posts are responses and we all know how response subject lines relate to post content.