Coalition question




I know it used to be possible to form a coalition between blueside and redside groups... Did this get changed?



If it was ever possible at all, it was most definitely a bug.

You were never supposed to be able to coalition hero groups and villain groups.



It was definitely possible, and for quite a while if I recall correctly. I'm just wondering when/if this was changed.



Originally Posted by Paladin_Musashi View Post
It was definitely possible, and for quite a while if I recall correctly. I'm just wondering when/if this was changed.
It hasn't been possible at least as long as I've played this game, but I do recall some people mentioning it was possible upon release of the system.. and fixed shortly thereafter.

Personally, I'm wondering what affect Going Rogue will have on that system, if any..



Originally Posted by Paladin_Musashi View Post
It was definitely possible, and for quite a while if I recall correctly. I'm just wondering when/if this was changed.
It was possible when CoV came out, was definitely a bug, and taken away shortly thereafter. I still have chatlogs of my villains RPing with my SG mates in the hero base.