W.I.P. Another Troll




...and that sketch of Kilotonnage (from the thank you thread)
led me to draw another troll, don't know why he has
barbs on his chin, maybe a dyne overdose deformed it lol.
Spent about an hour and a half so far on this, no pre-sketch or reference.

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



He looks like he's skewed eeeeeeeever so sliiiiiiiightly to the right. But I'm loving the inking work. I'm fond of pen and ink =)



Originally Posted by Wassy View Post
He looks like he's skewed eeeeeeeever so sliiiiiiiightly to the right. But I'm loving the inking work. I'm fond of pen and ink =)
Lol he is indeed. Well the page he is on is anyway.
This is taken with a digital camera (since I don't know where my scanner
has been buried) and I had to tilt the page away at an angle or the flash whites everything out hence the slight skew.
You will notice this in all the images I have posted, sorry not much I can do about it atm short of shooting them outside but it's been real windy of late.

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



It still looks good, thank god i dont notice these things



Originally Posted by ChristopherRobin View Post
Lol he is indeed. Well the page he is on is anyway.
This is taken with a digital camera (since I don't know where my scanner
has been buried) and I had to tilt the page away at an angle or the flash whites everything out hence the slight skew.
You will notice this in all the images I have posted, sorry not much I can do about it atm short of shooting them outside but it's been real windy of late.
I feel your pain. I've been putting up some work from my classes up and its all on paper that's waaaaaaaay bigger than my scanner. Its very tricky taking pics, I know >.<