Shift+Left click works for me
Defiant EU
Quaver: Kinetics/Sonic Defender
Semiquaver: Sonic/Kinetics Corruptor
Thanks very much, thats a big help.
Thats going to make using mids a whole lot less frustrating.
Are there any tips about using mids you would care to pass on besides that one?
For instance is there a way to select the set I wish to slot and have it stay up while I select the enhancements?
I was just thinking that there probably is a faster way to do it.
Feel The Burn
Are there any threads about using MIDS?
I keep accidently clicking too many slots in a power and I cant figure out how to remove them.
I tried control double left click as had been suggested to me and the slots didnt move.
Any help would be appreciated,
Feel The Burn