Environmental Hazards




I was running the Hess TF when I ran into something I haven't seen in ages--lava! It only exists in a few missions, really, which got me thinking. Comics are rife with fights around pits of lava, vats of acid, giant dangerous machines and such, so why do we have so few of them around? They expand players' tactics a lot, give knockback, immobilize, and repel more value, and could, if done right, give more things to worry about to spice missions up a little.

They don't just have to be patches of damage, either. We already have some things bordering on this besides lava. The CoT healing/endurance/DoT crystals and the buff/debuff labs on the tech map are both examples of the sorts of things that could work under this idea, though I think both could use to be tweaked around a bit to make them more interesting.

The big downside I can see is how to handle experience. If players can use Hurricane to push an entire room into a lava pit in six seconds with little risk and get experience for it, there could be some way to exploit that. If they don't get experience if most of the damage is done by the lava, nobody will ever do it except as a last-ditch thing. It might be balanced out a little if they give experience, but the damage/debuff areas are flagged with the same evade effect that caltrops and rain powers have. I'm going to argue that with the evade effect plus the fact that lava, as it is, takes a while to whittle down enemies anyway, it probably couldn't hurt too much. Sure, it'd let a knockback-heavy character get some impressive extra damage, but I don't think it'd be game-breaking, particularly with how under appreciated knockback is on most teams.

tl;dr: Is there any good reason to not have more environmental hazards in missions?

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



I like it. Could use lots of debuff traps on missions that could either be used AGAINST you, or if you're tricky, used BY you. I'd be nice if the AI was also made aware of these traps and would try to avoid them (for hurtful traps), get in them (helpful), or try to PULL you out of them (helpful).

Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!



Originally Posted by Kitsune Knight View Post
I like it. Could use lots of debuff traps on missions that could either be used AGAINST you, or if you're tricky, used BY you. I'd be nice if the AI was also made aware of these traps and would try to avoid them (for hurtful traps), get in them (helpful), or try to PULL you out of them (helpful).
Yeah, that's associated with another con I considered that I forgot to put in the opening post. For all I know, enemies are dumb enough that patrols and such can't be made to avoid lava.

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



IIRC, they're handled like NPCs. Currently they don't do a LOT of damage, typically, but I seem to recall if they do a decent chunk, you're out some percentage of XP already.

Been a little while though.



Originally Posted by Kelenar View Post
Yeah, that's associated with another con I considered that I forgot to put in the opening post. For all I know, enemies are dumb enough that patrols and such can't be made to avoid lava.
I think patrols follow pre-defined paths for the map... if they had an afraid mez aura, enemies would try to run out of it (like they do for caltrops, burn patches, etc).

And when I read your name, I thought it said 'Kleiner'... which is one of the characters in HL2... and I just got done playing HL2: Episode 2 with the commentary on... and loved how un-dumb the enemies were, especially with how they used the environment to their advantage (shooting ant lions off a cliff was also hilarious ).

Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
IIRC, they're handled like NPCs. Currently they don't do a LOT of damage, typically, but I seem to recall if they do a decent chunk, you're out some percentage of XP already.

Been a little while though.
Wonder how hard it'd be to apply something like the confuse rules to them, so you only have to do a decent portion of the damage to get most of the credit.

I also forgot one type of hazard: The -perception/-ToHit fog that roams around that one Croatoa ghost mission. Heck, the ice from the Frostfire map could count too.

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.