Back...and looking for a new dom




Hey fellow doms...I just recently joined back after a 8 month leave, and I'm looking to create a new dom. I currently only have mind/ice at 50 but have made a couple other that are low lvl.
I have never tried fire/* before and was looking to try fire/elec, but wanted to know how it is solo for PVE and versus EB's and bosses solo? I know post-pet its good, but what about pre-pet?



I understand it's pretty good, but haven't tried it myself.

However, since you've been away, did you hear that Dominators just got rebalanced? The damage boost was removed from Domination and made part of the basic AT modifier, so in terms of damage it's like being in Domination was ALL the time. And the attack sets were also all rebalanced. So, for example /Energy is now one of the best sets; while the damage of /Psi is now more evenly spread instead of mostly concentrated in Psychic Shockwave ( TK Thrust is now good damage for example ). All in all I consider it a buff.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



I did hear about it, but only that the modifiers were up'd and moved out of domination. I didn't know the assault sets were rebalanced.



As I understand it /nrg is now the ST damage king.
Id rather have build up with elec as apposed to powerboost with nrg but whatever.

Originally Posted by Shadow Ravenwolf View Post
My favorite combo is Faceplant/DebtCap with the TeamWipe Ancillary

Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
Yeah, I like Blasters too.