All-VEAT Static Team




Hey all -

I have one opening on my upcoming VEAT Static team. Here is all of the information:

Who ==> seven interested people (plus myself)

What ==> weekly-based villain static team

Where ==> Champion server, the Rogue Islands

When ==> Saturday afternoons, 2PM-4PM EST

Why ==> to wreak mayhem in the Rogue Islands

Team setup ==> 6-8 players Villain Epic Arch Type team. Ideal setup would have two (2) bane spiders, two (2) night widows, two (2) crab spiders and two (2) fortunatas.

Theme ==> We are an elite, special forces organizational branch of Vanguard, put together to infiltrate ArachnosÂ’ hierarchy and structure, specifically the Destined One program. Reporting directly to the Lady Gray we were hand-picked and trained at a young age and then smuggled into the Rogue Islands with the cover of Soldiers of Arachnos-in-training. From there, our mission is to blend in as much as possible while causing disruptions and wreaking havoc within Arachnos.

Start Date ==> Saturday Sept. 12th.

Team plan ==> we will concentrate on running the VEAT contact missions and supplementing their arcs by running badge contacts, mayhem missions, Strike Forces, RWZ missions and a Patron Arc.

Please reply here if you are interested with your global name and the type of VEAT you would like to play. The team makeup is currently one bane, one fortunata, two crabs, two widows and one undecided.

I will keep a list of alternates based on responses here in the event that someone drops from the team.


@Llewthor, @Llewthor2



Sounds fun, but I don't have an open spot on my character list :/



I just made a new VEAT "Knee High Crab Guy".
But, I can't commit to a Weekly Saturday Schedule.
I can barely keep my Wednesday Static schedule. Weekends are random and chaotic. I might need to swap an engine one week, and the next I'll have nothing to do except lay on the couch eating Oreos and catching up on all my TiVOed Shows.

I'd like to hear your teams "adventures" though. I like the concept, and It could be neat if one of your team would write a weekly "diary" or Journal entry telling the story of your missions.

Could inspire more Static Teaming, and more Role Playing.
Both are great things!

Member - Pingus, & Legendaries
Angry Sysop 50 BRUTE - Angry Woodsman 50 TANK - Angry Florist 21 CONTROLLER
"Did your Phantom Army just take the Elevator? Imaginary People riding Elevators? *facepalm*



I'm @T-X 1000, and i will play a fortunata, i already have a level 40 crab as well
!!! send me info on the progress to my chat handle please and add me globally cause im extremely interested



Ok, TX, you're in ... glad to have you!

I'm glad you guys all like the theme and RP element ... that's about as much role-playing in this game as you'll get from me. I was "forced" to come up with a theme for this static team by one of my friends as his requirement for joining

We may have sporadic openings for a filler or two, so Gatt, BA and anyone else please feel free to check with me (@Llewthor2 for this static team) if you are around and interested in joining if we have room.


@Llewthor, @Llewthor2



Nice to see someone starting up a new team.

I own a crab and have a 2nd veat at 20 right now moving slowly.

If not filled by the start date let me know and i could see about getting in around the 26th or the week after.

Plus if you want your stuff in the Static Team roster that I update about once amonth right now. I will need the basic info (if ppl are willing to have it on the forums)

Lead Squirrel at Dr. E Spider robotic site #643

Nothing saids its your spot like an ourob. Portal dropped on the ground.



I also would be interested in joining if someone doesnt show or they change mind or whatever. I will play whatever is needed.




Originally Posted by Llewthor View Post
I was "forced" to come up with a theme for this static team by one of my friends as his requirement for joining
Heeeeyyyyy.... I heard that!!

Phantom Flight / Villainous Llewthorous



Originally Posted by prvtslacker View Post
Nice to see someone starting up a new team.

I own a crab and have a 2nd veat at 20 right now moving slowly.

If not filled by the start date let me know and i could see about getting in around the 26th or the week after.

Plus if you want your stuff in the Static Team roster that I update about once amonth right now. I will need the basic info (if ppl are willing to have it on the forums)
I know that one of the members of our static team does have to work on at least one Saturday every month, so we may be looking for fillers at some point. I'll make sure to try and give you a notice when I know what Saturday that is.

As far as inclusion on the Static Team Roster page, I've mentioned that to our team. If no one has a problem with being included (and I can't see that they would), I will email you all of our information.



@Llewthor, @Llewthor2



We started this up this past Saturday and with six of the eight people rolled through the first 10 levels or so in our time frame. This team is going to be tons of fun once we finally have our crab/bane/widow/fortunata powers!

We missed TX 1000 and I know that we will have one temporary spot open this coming Saturday (9/19) if anyone wants to join us.

We meet at 2PM Eastern time and will be starting out in Port Oakes before heading to Cap.

If anyone is interested, let me know here or shoot me a message in-game. My globals are @Llewthor and @Llewthor2.



@Llewthor, @Llewthor2



This week I cant do it .. still have company in town. The following week I would be able to get my widow lvl 12 or my Fort lvl 19 (I think) on for some xp.

Lead Squirrel at Dr. E Spider robotic site #643

Nothing saids its your spot like an ourob. Portal dropped on the ground.