Multiple Doors
In the base editor, one of the classes of room you can add is Doorway. You can place one anywhere it will fit, as long as the opposite ends of the 1x1 doorway attach to rooms, and there's nothing in the rooms like wall items blocking it.
well i know that. But they had 3 doors in a row to the same room.
I am Lord Omi. Now and forever. They can take our City, but they can't take me.
Doors cannot be built next to each other. They require a minimum 1-hex separation.
What you may have seen could be a larger single room that had wall sections built in from the edges (you can make solid square floor-to-ceiling "columns", which, in a line, form 1-hex-thick walls), leaving three spaces open between the two "walls".
This would create what would appear to be two separate rooms, with a three-space-wide doorway between them.
I am 100% sure of what i saw. I will post a screenshot!
I am Lord Omi. Now and forever. They can take our City, but they can't take me.
please explain this
I am Lord Omi. Now and forever. They can take our City, but they can't take me.
I've been using the Base Editor for several years now, and am very sure that dividing a single larger room into two parts using the method described above is the only way to create a three-doorway-wide gap such as you describe.
please explain this
Have you tried asking your SuperGroup's Base Architect how it was done?
1. Attempting to open a doorway beside another doorway closes the existing doorway and opens a new one at your selected location.
2. Creating 2 doorways 1 hex apart and then creating 1 in the middle closes the 2 existing doorways and opens a new one at your selected location.
So, having satisfied myself that it's probably not actually 3 doorways in a row (unless there is a secret technique to create side-by-side doorways), I took a longer look at the image, trying to discern what floor texture that was, if it was an overlay, like Linoleum Tile, or maybe even just lots of side-by-side Mossy Blocks half-floated through a raised floor. But I just couldn't make it out in the photo.
So, in the end, unable to puzzle it out, I can't be of any help in answering your question.
And since no one else has stepped forward with the answer, your best bet really is to ask your Base Architect how they accomplished the effect, and then post it here in this thread for everyone who's now quite curious about it -- like me!

There may indeed be a secret technique for creating side-by-side doorways -- who knows? Let's find out!
-- Vivian
There used to be a way to have multiple doorways beside each other. It was a bug that was fixed a few issues ago.
Perhaps that was created under that bug and then the rooms connected have not been changed (to preserve the bug)? I had never heard of someone being able to set up a triple doorway, although double doorways were all the rage a year or so ago.
Or as Dr. V already said, it could be one of the largest rooms with floor-to-ceiling blocked out to partition the room. I have aa 5X5 room with the center blocked out that looks kinda like the screenie.
Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!
Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon
"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."
Correct, at one point you could trick the editor into allowing you to put doors next to each other.
That bug was fixed, so you cannot do it anymore.
If you had an existing double or triple door, it stayed, but you could not do it again, and if you try to move anything room-wise with it, the multi-door is gone forever.
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Ah! Now that you mention it, I do remember way back in the day there was a bug that let you do that, if you rotated a room around a few times so that the editor lost track of which way it was pointing and you could create side-by-side doors. The problem was that if you used that technique you wound up locking your base, and couldn't add or move any more rooms. They fixed that quite some time ago, you're right.
I had completely and utterly forgotten about it. But that must be it, you must be right, Astra. They must have built that room long ago, and never moved the room or added to / changed the base structure since then, but instead just decorated the existing rooms.
Mystery solved? Only the Architect of that base could really say for sure!
There used to be a way to have multiple doorways beside each other. It was a bug that was fixed a few issues ago.
I hold out hope that sometime around issue 27 we'll receive a base overhaul.
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Specifically, it was fixed in i13 when the raid pathing was ... changed (can't say fixed, really).
I thought that editor bug had been "fixed" a long time ago because some people were breaking their bases using it.
In fact, it had been so long I'd forgotten it was even possible back then.

Doubly silly of me to forget since I'd even experimented with it.

Were you able to create multiple doors up until Issue 13 with the room rotate technique?
I thought that editor bug had been "fixed" a long time ago because some people were breaking their bases using it. |
The door thing that was base breaking was that in i-13 originally, we could decorate the hallways - because there was no restrictions on intersecting with the exterior walls of the room. Several people accidentally moved storage items or other functional items into the walls and couldn't retrieve them. Once the restriction on intersecting with room exterior walls (IE: any wall of any room that touches the main grid) went back into place (with a few months of an add-on bug...), we were back to being unable to decorate hallways.
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Well, we're talking 9 months ago, and I've had a series of micro-seizures since then, so my short-term memory's been rebooted quite a few times. About all I can really say is that beta opened up, and the people who were in closed beta told the people coming into open beta "Well, X, Y, and Z..." - you know, the usual information transfer of closed to open beta.
It wasn't ever an official announcement, because no official awareness was ever taken of the trick. It's a bug they let us get away with until they couldn't any more.
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It was discussed heavily in the base building forums during the open beta of i13. But with all of the other base discussions it could have easily been overlooked. As far as I know the double door hack is still on the back burner but I believe it is supposed to be on the list at least (how far down one can only imagine...) My base was redesigned layout-wise at that time to accommodate. We purchased the largest size we could and outfitted the base with tons of double doors. My base is always open to tours just /t me at @original-prankster, we are on liberty server.
Well, we're talking 9 months ago, and I've had a series of micro-seizures since then, so my short-term memory's been rebooted quite a few times. About all I can really say is that beta opened up, and the people who were in closed beta told the people coming into open beta "Well, X, Y, and Z..." - you know, the usual information transfer of closed to open beta.
It wasn't ever an official announcement, because no official awareness was ever taken of the trick. It's a bug they let us get away with until they couldn't any more. |
I *do* recall a thread or two discussing it here in Base Construction, based on info from the Closed Beta testers. I'm sure it was overshadowed by all the other discussions regarding the change from Base Salvage to Invention Salvage for crafting teleporters, etc.
Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!
Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon
"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."
Well, I feel a little better about having missed it.
Although I did forget about the exploit entirely, which is pretty funny in retrospect, since I remember it so clearly now.
Once I found out that having multiple doors "locked" the base, rendering you unable to move or add rooms, I lost interest in it, as we were doing Base Raids and constantly changing our base room layout / optimizing our tactics. I'd never even thought about it since then.
The only time it "locked" the base was if you did not delete the room you used to "trick" the editor after placing the double/triple/quad doorways. I have several rooms with them,and was always able to place new rooms as long as the "trick" room was deleted before adding in new rooms.
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Oh, dear. It's a pity I never found that out, as there were a lot of doorways I would have liked to double or triple to increase Base Defense Weapon arcs-of-fire.
Well woudt that be interesting
I am Lord Omi. Now and forever. They can take our City, but they can't take me.
I am an avid, if not relitivly new basebuilder. Recently i made a new character and joined Raven Shield (#5 SG on freedom) While looking at there bases, i noticed they had rooms with more than one doors to the same room. Any explanations?
I am Lord Omi. Now and forever. They can take our City, but they can't take me.