Aeon Architect Corporation
As many of the architects are on different servers, a better possible solution is to use a global channel, like MA Arc Finder, which already has many notable architects available for discussions. A supergroup is much more suited to those who want to play arcs together. And there are several of those already.
I think this is the place to post this, but correct me if I am wrong. I recently had an idea (( and it is well supported.)) to make a supergroup devoted to the creation of Story Arcs for the AE. The idea of the supergroup is to gather creative minds together to help improve and create story arcs to enjoy all over CoX. The supergroup is on freedom on red side. I MAY have one of my heroes start a blue side version, but I doubt it. My co-leader and I would love to see this supergroup fly. But, we need active players, a base builder, and a slew of things. IF you want to join, send a mail to Arachnos Elite Ops with the subject: Aeon Architect Corporation. I know this seems a dumb thing to post on the forums, but I figure it is better than posting a global tell every 3 minutes. Just PM me if you have any questions.
Sig of Black Mercenary
What else do you want?