Triform Strategic Minds??




I been playing my Tri-Form PB for about a week now an i am highly enjoying it! I had to use plasma's gold standard Triform build to "unbreak" him, because when i tryed to build him on my own it was just horrible (i only been playin about a month, and my ONLY other toon was a claw/regen scrapper. so im less then professional) But thanks to his power suggestion an slots now im beasting it! anyways, onto the question..

What i find is, i spend basically all my time in nova or dwarf. I go to human sometimes for Build up, haste, or heals. But i feel im missing out on what else the human form can offer, i mean it has some strong melee attacks! So all you expert Tri-PB's can you give me your strategic insight on how u approach mobs... or is that all human form is for? just the heals buffs, haste? if so why did i even take the melee attacks?

anyways. if anyone could jus let me kno how their strategy/attack chains go. id appreciate it



You are finding why tri-form Warshades are more common than tri-form PB's.

The clickies from the PB human form like build up don't last very long when you switch to the forms, unlike the good clickies from Warshade human form.

So it is really a compromise if you want to make the use of the human melee attacks. If you ignore then you can dedicate more slots to the other forms, but do have to relegate human to a pretty much non-combat form. Yet if you slot them you lose out on some of the power of the forms.

That said as a tri-form Warshade player myself I have 6 well slotted human powers and still have most of the Nova/Dwarf powers with at least 5 slots, so you can balance both. But I am not a PB player so don't really know the PB powers worth slotting and will leave any real advice to those who know

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



Originally Posted by Cy_Jade View Post
I been playing my Tri-Form PB for about a week now an i am highly enjoying it! I had to use plasma's gold standard Triform build to "unbreak" him, because when i tryed to build him on my own it was just horrible (i only been playin about a month, and my ONLY other toon was a claw/regen scrapper. so im less then professional) But thanks to his power suggestion an slots now im beasting it! anyways, onto the question..

What i find is, i spend basically all my time in nova or dwarf. I go to human sometimes for Build up, haste, or heals. But i feel im missing out on what else the human form can offer, i mean it has some strong melee attacks! So all you expert Tri-PB's can you give me your strategic insight on how u approach mobs... or is that all human form is for? just the heals buffs, haste? if so why did i even take the melee attacks?

anyways. if anyone could jus let me kno how their strategy/attack chains go. id appreciate it
For now you're probably better off staying in dwarf or nova until you've played your kheld a bit longer. Take it slow. Let your PB forms stretch their legs and tentacles and get to know them a little more.

All the while be slotting Radiant Strike, Incandescent Strike, Solar Flare, Photon Seekers and the nuke (forget what it's called off the top of my head.) Add a couple more like Pulsar or a heal to suit your playstyle. Plasma never steered anyone wrong, and the gold standard build you're using will never let you down.

But wait until you've had time to slot before spending a whole lot of time in human form. I'd stick with one accuracy for human attacks until later - you'll be in human form for about as long as buildup lasts and the tohit from build up should compensate. If you are starved for slots you could always slot nova for damage alone and let the form's inherent accuracy carry you. I would recommend an attack chain of bolt/blast/bolt/scatter/bolt/blast/bolt/detonation for an almost seemless nova chain out of the box.

Slot your dwarf form before the dwarf attacks. The attacks are slow to come, and at first dwarf will be a defensive stance. Here's something I like to do with dwarf form, though: if things start to go south, eat an orange insp or two, make sure you have a blue and a break free, even if you have to make them. Then eat a purple and the break free, hit white dwarf flare and drop to human form. There, hit conserve power, buildup, Photon Seekers. As photon seekers is animating, cue up the nuke. Since it's cued up while the enemy mobs are still in range, it'll affect them even though the photon seekers knock them back. Not much will be left standing after that, but even so eat the blue and jump back into form. That little double nuke has saved my lobster bacon more often than I can tell you, and it's gotten more than one "WTH was THAT?!" in team chat.

The key part, though, is to eat the break free BEFORE you drop into human form. It's actually a good rule of thumb. Sure, you can be vigilant with your buff/debuff icons, but eventually you'll forget to look before dropping dwarf, and then it's too late. You're mezzed instantly, and losing health rapidly.

As far as human/dwarf attack chains go you'll likely have to get used to gaps, or filling them with form switching until you get some IO's for recharge. Solo, I generally open with the human form quartet: Buildup/Incandescent/Radiant/Solar Flare. Then I switch to Dwarf and hammer for a couple rounds. Here's another trick: make the following macro: /macro stomp "powexec_toggleoff white dwarf$$goto_tray 1$$powexec_name solar flare"

You'll have to make the basic macro with just one command first and go back and edit it to read right. Put that macro last in your dwarf tray. When you've got a mob down in health a bit, hit white dwarf flare, count to three (for the animation to finish) and hit the macro for a double stomp. You'll have a couple seconds breathing room to hit pulsar, heals, or turtle back up into dwarf form.

Okay it's late and this is long - hope that helped. Enjoy your new kheld!

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies



Originally Posted by Cy_Jade View Post
...So all you expert Tri-PB's can you give me your strategic insight on how you approach mobs...
Well, if you ask Ascendantia, my Lv50 TriFormPB, how she takes on mobs, she'd have to say that all depends on the mob type.

Most minions are easily dispatched by a well timed burst damage from Photon Seekers detonated at point-bank range. Most Lieutenants will be either dead, or severely hurt by the explosions and thrown back. Bosses may feel a little sting, and perhaps even be thrown back but will come right back at you.

So, my strategy usually employs teleporting/running into a mob in Dwarf form, using White Dwarf Flare, then immediately as things are busy picking themselves up from the ground, I hit my "PhotonSeekers" key, a bind that drops me to Human form and calls forth my Photon Seekers.

After that, I usually turn to the Boss and pound him once with Incandescent Strike to do some nice damage and stack some Hold, then jump away from him and give him a couple of single-target blasts still in Human form — both my Glinting Eye and Gleaming Blast are slotted with Chance to Hold so usually the Boss will be held for a bit — after which I usually shift to Nova to continue the twin-cannon strategy focused on the Boss and whenever Incandescent Strike is up again, I swoop by and whack the Boss again, rinse repeat.

If there are more Bosses in the mob, I sometimes use Intimidate + Invoke Panic on one of the Bosses, fearing it for a few seconds, just enough time to let me either kill everything else, or recover my breath.

Other tactics include using Dwarf more intensely to juggle the enemies and debuff them to such a point that one burst of Photon Seekers + Dawn Strike will do the job of defeating everything at once, but that's for when I'm playful and have lots of patience.

Ascendantia has been quite successful using those techniques hunting CoT Death Mages, Fake Nemesis and Warhulks and Rikti, and even hunting Cimeroran Traitors off the walls.

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



thanks guys



Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
But wait until you've had time to slot before spending a whole lot of time in human form. I'd stick with one accuracy for human attacks until later - you'll be in human form for about as long as buildup lasts and the tohit from build up should compensate.
Sigh. I just read this again and it's just plain wrong. I blame Zute. It's all her fault. Bad, evil wicked NAUGHTY Zute!

She typed that part. Reallly.

Now what she should have typed was that you should stick with one accuracy and some damage in the human attacks until later. I meant to advise one accuracy instead of the standard two.

I deserve a spanking for that....

SHUT UP ZUTE! You always want a spanking. BTW the above line was typed by Zute. Stupid Zute. One of these days I'll let Cybill kill her.

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies



Originally Posted by Cy_Jade View Post
... I had to use plasma's gold standard Triform build to "unbreak" him ...
What is this build? Anyone have a link??



Originally Posted by MrSuzi View Post
What is this build? Anyone have a link??
Here you go!

Originally Posted by LordXenite View Post
So did Zute come to SG night last night? and... how does Zute like Ascendantia's build?
That was me -at least, the first time it was. Cybill wanted some playtime, too, so I had to take a back seat later on.

Zute's a pacifist.

The build is yummy. And surprisingly affordable. Only one slot to Dawn strike, though? And not taking Light Form is... playing perfectly to your playstyle. I'm still in a torrid affair with it, though. Even though she does leave me crashed and spent way sooner than I'd like.

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies



Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
The build is yummy. And surprisingly affordable.
Indeed. I'm still working on a purple plan...

Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
...Only one slot to Dawn strike, though?
I was actually thinking about getting rid of Dawn Strike because I dislike powers that come with a crash, and I couldn't afford any more slots for Dawn Strike, at least not right now.

Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
...And not taking Light Form is... playing perfectly to your playstyle.
The 2nd build has it, but it's totally empty at the moment without any enhancements. It may stay empty, because quite frankly, Ascendantia seems good enough as she is.

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



Originally Posted by LordXenite View Post
Indeed. I'm still working on a purple plan...

I'll look forward to seeing that in action! I personally have given up on purples. I played my fifties for several months almost exclusively and got ONE purple sleep recipe. Got like all of four million for it. And when it was all said and done I had made just enough influence from drops and defeats to....

....about halfway afford ONE purple melee recipe. Nope! Not worth it to me.

I was actually thinking about getting rid of Dawn Strike because I dislike powers that come with a crash, and I couldn't afford any more slots for Dawn Strike, at least not right now.
I actually don't mind the crash in dawn strike quite as much. I always make sure to keep a blue handy - in fact it's as second nature to me now as hitting build up beforehand. Pop the blue, go to dwarf and let the performance shifter proc and the slower power recharge do its magic.

The Light Form crash, however, is the one I hate, and I don't blame you for not taking it. Like I said, I'm currently in love with the capped resistance it gives me, and I'm probably one of the few who actually like its graphics (one of the reasons I chose a PB first when I first dinged 50), but I could do with a little bit longer notice on the crash. Eh, that's just me seeing how far I can push the limit, but it seems like I only see its icon in the buff bar blink twice before I'm faceplanting. Over lunch I was munching on some Nemesis and jumped - even though I knew I'd been in light form for a looong time, so it's totally my fault - down onto a spawn of a Captain and a Hussar. IS'd the Hussar, saw the Light Form icon blink, ran off. The Captain fired after me while I was still in light form, and the shot followed me around the corner, where it insta-killed me. TOTALLY my own stupidity, but I KNOW I checked that buff bar before jumping in. Just five seconds. That's all I had. Oh well.

The 2nd build has it, but it's totally empty at the moment without any enhancements. It may stay empty, because quite frankly, Ascendantia seems good enough as she is.
I agree. From what I've seen of your style, not only is light form not necessary, but IMHO it would actually take away from what you love about the archetype. My advice is to drop it and forget about it.

Whereas I'll probably keep it. I came from scrapper/tank roots, and so can't resist the direct, in-yo'-face fighting style it enables.

That, and I can't dance.

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies



Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
...I came from scrapper/tank roots, and so can't resist the direct, in-yo'-face fighting style it enables.

That, and I can't dance.
That right there makes all the difference in the world!

I come from Controllers (almost exclusively) and love being able to "dance" in Dwarf and tank things not because I can soak the damage, standing toe-to-toe, but mostly because Ascendantia is light on her feet (as my fingers are on the keyboard) and compared to my Controllers who usually can't live in melee-range, she can live long enough for her self-heals to recharge and keep her alive even longer.

The one thing I kind of miss about my Controllers is how laid back they usually are in comparison with my Kheldians!

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



Originally Posted by LordXenite View Post

The one thing I kind of miss about my Controllers is how laid back they usually are in comparison with my Kheldians!
Controllers were a major learning curve for me, but I totally see what you mean. Mindbender Jones (Mind/Kin) is at 39, and I'm amazed at how laid back he is. I'm hoping some of that will bleed over into my Kheldian playstyle, but the Fyst in me keeps rearing its eye-patched, cigar-smoking head.

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies



The thing is that you can build a Controller for a laid back playstyle, or a crazy in-yer-face-ARGH playstyle, but Kheldians — since they cannot fall back on reliable crowd control — must always be on the go. Sometimes that's all good and I enjoy it, other times, I'm just too tired.

Last night for example, after trying to tank the Praetorian Infernal AV in an AE mission with only 3 other Kheldians on the team with me... I was exhausted and just couldn't go on. I suppose it's a good thing the UI meets officially just one night a week.

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



Originally Posted by LordXenite View Post
The thing is that you can build a Controller for a laid back playstyle, or a crazy in-yer-face-ARGH playstyle, but Kheldians — since they cannot fall back on reliable crowd control — must always be on the go. Sometimes that's all good and I enjoy it, other times, I'm just too tired.

Last night for example, after trying to tank the Praetorian Infernal AV in an AE mission with only 3 other Kheldians on the team with me... I was exhausted and just couldn't go on. I suppose it's a good thing the UI meets officially just one night a week.
Yeah. I left at the start of that mission to free up a sidekick slot. Tbh, I'm looking forward to supersidekicking more than anything else in I16. If not for the dearth of mentors you'd have had five screaming khelds backing you up, and things would have gone differently.

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies



Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
Yeah. I left at the start of that mission to free up a sidekick slot. Tbh, I'm looking forward to supersidekicking more than anything else in I16. If not for the dearth of mentors you'd have had five screaming khelds backing you up, and things would have gone differently.
Most definitely because I already tanked Infernal with Ascendantia and backup from my all Kheldian team, so I know it can be done.

I also managed to pull Infernal by himself — well, another Demon came too but was promptly defeated — so the team was safe from Infernal himself, but we didn't have enough damage, or enough healing for me so I could tank Infernal long enough for the damage to be stacked on him.

I suppose that had I had more patience, and a less tired mind, I'd have "orderd" the two WS's to go and "farm" the other Demons for fluffies while I tank Infernal to keep him away from the WS's and when all the other Demons perished, the WS's could come back and with their fluffies stack the damage, but I'm not sure the other PB could keep me alive through Infernal's fire-damage

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



For my tri-form Peacebringer I have the whole Blaster/Tank/Pseudo-buffer trinity thing going on. Obviously I just fill whatever role the team I'm on happens to be missing. For my human form, I basically took only the buffs and heals etc. that could sort of fill in the gap when there's a lack of a really strong buffer on a team. That means the Medicine pool, the Leadership pool, Grant invisibility and Glowing Touch...with these basic buffs I can add a little bit to every team while filling the job i'm best at which is providing decent single target heals to any teammate who happens to be in need. I don't do it as well as a defender, but it's better than nothing and better than playing Nova/Dwarf on a team with 2 blasters, a scrapper, and 2 tanks.



Originally Posted by Cy_Jade View Post
I been playing my Tri-Form PB for about a week now an i am highly enjoying it! I had to use plasma's gold standard Triform build to "unbreak" him, because when i tryed to build him on my own it was just horrible (i only been playin about a month, and my ONLY other toon was a claw/regen scrapper. so im less then professional) But thanks to his power suggestion an slots now im beasting it! anyways, onto the question..

What i find is, i spend basically all my time in nova or dwarf. I go to human sometimes for Build up, haste, or heals. But i feel im missing out on what else the human form can offer, i mean it has some strong melee attacks! So all you expert Tri-PB's can you give me your strategic insight on how u approach mobs... or is that all human form is for? just the heals buffs, haste? if so why did i even take the melee attacks?

anyways. if anyone could jus let me kno how their strategy/attack chains go. id appreciate it
I have a couple different PBs and WSs.
Only one of them is three build (due to levels of other characters) and at least one all "human" form .

I always run multiple trays that I flip for "mode". Each tray will have the power and transform for those powers. I tried running 3 trays with flips, but that was a little much.
So mainly that character runs sets of trays with flips. Usually the active one is for squid and dwarf forms. As the transforms into the forms are in there own tray, I can turn that form off before flipping trays or wait to change strait into the other form once I get to the other tray. This allows me to change into human form briefly between the squid and Dwarf forms.
Usually I hang back and blast as the squid. If an enemy closes, I switch to human form, and, if I have that enemy target, the autofire on the human form's big melee attack goes off. I flip trays and then turn into the Dwarf form to heal or tank. If the enemies are back out of melee range, I'll switch back to squid form.
I've slotted up the melee attack a bit, so it seems to work well to add it into the attack combo.

I also take the med pool on Kheldians as the heal goes a long way until the Dwarf form is available and slotted up a bit.



Originally Posted by The_Alt_oholic View Post
I also take the med pool on Kheldians as the heal goes a long way until the Dwarf form is available and slotted up a bit.

This brings back memories of a discussion I had with LX. Good times, good times...

If you PL'd to 50 just to get an "epic" thinking you'd be �ber, you're going to be sorely disappointed with the HEATs, because the VEATs were designed so that anyone with one good finger and a braincell can rock the toggles.



Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
Originally Posted by The_Alt_oholic View Post
i also take the med pool on kheldians as the heal goes a long way until the dwarf form is available and slotted up a bit.
this brings back memories of a discussion i had with lx. Good times, good times...
Even when my PB had the Medicine Pool, I never bothered taking the self-heal, just Stimulant, Heal Other and the Rez power. A PB needs nothing else from the Medicine Pool, because between Human and Dwarf forms, you've got 3 great heals out of the box!

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



I am a big fan of taking the medicine pool, but never for the self heal

Though I just realised that I think I actually have aid-self and now wonder why I didn't pick stimulant instead ...

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
...Though I just realised that I think I actually have aid-self and now wonder why I didn't pick stimulant instead ...
I'd bet two inf that the reason for you not picking Stimulant is that you've never teamed with an All Kheldian team on a steady basis?

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



Originally Posted by LordXenite View Post
I'd bet two inf that the reason for you not picking Stimulant is that you've never teamed with an All Kheldian team on a steady basis?
Actually I run quite a few MoSTF's and have used stimulant with previous builds to stack the protection on the tank for Ghost Widow, I am just not sure how it ever left my build.

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post