The Will to Burn- WP/Fire Tanker Guide
Fire Melee
Scorch- 1
Game Description- This power engulfs your hands in flames, and can ignite the target of your Scorching attack. Once on fire, the target will suffer damage over time. Damage: Minor, Recharge: Fast
My Rating- 3/5
My Thoughts- This power you must take, whether you want to or not. However I could think of worse powers to be stuck with. This is a decent damage power with a decent recharge. If you get into the habit of attack enemies all around you this will help you keep agro in big mobs, but that shouldn't be necessary.
Level to have this by- 1, you have to.
Slotting- what ever mixture of Accuracy, Damage, and Recharge you want.
Fire Sword- 2
Game Description- Through concentration, you can create a Sword of Fire that sets foes ablaze. Successful attacks from the Fire Sword will ignite your target, dealing damage over time. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Moderate
My Rating- 3/5
My Thoughts- Nothing. This is just another mid damage, mid recharge single target power, If you are having problems killing 1 enemy take this to fill you chain, but this is by no means mandatory.
Level to have this by- If you are going to take it, I'd take it before 10.
Slotting- Same as scorch.
Combustion- 4
Game Description- Your mastery of fire allows you to violently raise the temperature around yourself in an attempt to spontaneously combust any nearby foes and set them ablaze, dealing damage over time. Damage: Moderate(DoT), Recharge: Slow
My Rating- 5/5
My Thoughts- This is your first AoE attack, and you should take this as early as you can to make aoe tanking that much easier. This is a PBAoE so it will hit everyone in melee range, up to 10 people. This also taunts everyone within melee range. Its a win win!
Level to have this by- get it asap.
Slotting- 3 recharge, 2 Accuracy, 1 End Red
Taunt- 10
Game Description- Taunts a foe, and all foes around him, to attack you. Useful for pulling villains off an ally who finds himself in over his head. Taunted foes tend to ignore other Heroes and focus on your for quite a while, so use this power cautiously. An Accuracy check required to Taunt enemy players, but is not needed against critter targets. Recharge: Slow
My Rating- 5/5
My Thoughts- This is a ranged, aoe, guaranteed hit, make your enemy mad at you power. Whats not to love? Use this to pull, good range on it. Over zealous dps pull a few of your enemies? Use taunt and take em right back! If you feel you don't need taunt, you are right. You could do just fine without it, however I don't believe a WP/Fire without taunt could ever manage agro quite as well as one with it.
Level to have this by- As soon as you can squeeze it in.
Slotting- 6: 3 Recharge Reduc, 3 Taunt
Breath of Fire- 16
Game Description- This allows you to spew forth fire from your mouth, burning all foes within its narrow cone. This is a very accurate attack that can deal good damage at a close range. Damage: Moderate(DoT), Recharge: Slow
My Rating- 1/5
My Thoughts- This power has so much potential, but its all lost with the fact that it is a rather narrow cone aoe. It is only 15ft long with a 30 degree cone. And being a tanker, you will most of the time be in the middle of a mob, the worst place for a cone attack. If you play with a good KB player that can blow all the enemies into a corner, and you stand in front of em this would be good, but this is, at least a very situational power.
Level to have this by- I'd skip it.
Slotting- If you must I'd slot it for recharge and accuracy.
Build Up- 20
Game Description- Greatly increases the amount of damage you deal for a few seconds, as well as slightly increasing your Accuracy. Recharge: Long
My Rating- 3/5
My Thoughts- This power is good in solo play when you simply want to burn an enemy or mob down as fast as possible. However in a group where you are playing the role of tank, I don't see build up being a mandatory power at all. Though its not necessary it is still nice to have. So if you can and you feel like it squeeze it in where you can.
Slotting- 3: 3 Recharge
Fire Sword Circle- 28
Game Description- Mastery of your Fire Sword has enabled you to make an attack on every foe within melee distance. This will slash and burn your enemies, dealing minor damage and setting them ablaze. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Slow
My Rating- 5/5
My Thoughts- Great attack, meshes well with everything you do as a WP/Fire tanker. With some recharge and accuracy in both this and combustion, you will have a hard time losing agro of anything that is staying in melee range.
Level to have this by- 28, get it asap.
Slotting- 6: 3 Recharge, 3 Accuracy
Incinerate- 35
Game Description- Intense concentration can allow you to Incinerate an opponent. This will set your foe ablaze, dealing damage over time. Damage: High(DoT), Recharge: Slow
My Rating- 4/5
My Thoughts- This is the second of 2 single target attacks i take from the Fire Melee set. I chose this one over the 2 fire swords because it is slow and strong enough to not waist potential dps waiting till i can cast it after my aoe's, but still fast enough and cheaper than greater fire sword.
Level to have this by- Any time you can get this, I'd suggest you do.
Slotting- Damage, accuracy, and recharge
Greater Fire Sword- 38
Game Description- Your mastery of fire allows you to create an enhanced Sword of Fire that can set foes ablaze. Successful attacks from the Greater Fire Sword will ignite your target, dealing damage over time. Damage: Superior, Recharge: Slow
My Rating- 1/5
My Thoughts- This was a really good idea, that was ruined. Comparing it to Incinerate it does 20 more base damage at 50 (132 vs 111), but at the cost of almost doubling the activation time and endurance cost, and a slightly longer recharge. Just not worth it imo, its way too sluggish, feels like a snag in the attack chain.
Level to have this by- if your going to get it, get it at 38 I'd say.
Slotting- same as all the other ST attacks.
Power Pools
Concealment- 1/5 Why? Your a tanker! Run up and smash things, not tip toe behind them!
Flight- 3/5 Air Superiority is nice for the Knock-up, but honestly I wouldn't suggest the flight pool. Yea Fly is a nice slow safe travel power, and the travel powers all come down to preference, but I believe the Leaping pool would better fit this Power set.
Fighting- 5/5 Yes, Tough and Weave are both excellently amazing powers! they add just 2 more layers of survivability on an already amazingly powerful tank! Tough gives 15% resistance to S/L while weave gives 5% defense. They cost a bit of end, but your a WP tanker! you've got plenty to spare! As far as which of the first 2 powers you should take, thats up to you, but the KB in kick can be annoying, so keep that in mind.
Fitness- 5/5 Swift/Hurdle those are completely personal preference, but keep in mind hurdle + Combat jumping makes a nice insuppressible quasi travel power. Health and Stamina are both kinda redundant with Fast Healing and Quick Recovery, however in this case redundant is good! Take either swift or hurdle, then take both health and stamina, and enjoy the rate of recovery/regen!
Leadership- 1/5 Useless for a tanker, the numbers we give compared to some of the other classes are just pitiful, WP is a very full set, don't worry, you wont run out of good powers to choose even if you skip this power pool!
Leaping- 5/5 Hurray! Starting off, Jump kick = no, just don't do it, trust me. Combat Jumping on the other hand = yes!!! It increases your defense by a very little (another small layer) grants you immobilize protection, and increases your jump height. Combined with the fact that Super Jump is a very fast and effective travel power makes this my favorite power pool.
Medicine- 2/5 If you need a heal, just wait a second. No need to waist power selections on this pool, Your a tank not a healer. And you've got enough willpower to not need any stinkin heals in the first place!
Presence- 2/5 a second aoe taunt? a single target taunt? fears? i could see situations where all would be nice, but not enough to make me even consider dipping into this pool. You'll have agro on lock down if you go with this set anyways!
Speed- 3/5 Hasten, it seems, is a power everyone says is not skip able by anyone. I disagree though, It may be nice for a WP/Fire tanker, but definitely not a priority. Get it if you want, skip if you don't. Flurry and Whirlwind are completely useless, don't even think about them. Super Speed is a nice travel power, and in Paragon City theres not too many places you cant get to with SS, but keep in mind the fact that if you choose it, vertical obstructions are a pain.
Teleportation- 3/5 Recall friend is nice for multiple reasons. Teleport Foe not so much. It has its uses, but i don't see it being worth a full power selection. Teleportation is a very fast but jumpy and end heavy travel power. Team Teleport is next to useless, don't bother.
My WP/Fire Tanker is one of my favorite characters, and I took him to lvl 50 pretty easily. I took all 9 /Fire powers, though, and I haven't regretted it. This is a truly offense-focused combo. Greater Fire Sword is a really big source of burst damage (unlike the DoT on Incinerate). GFS animates fast and can really put the hurt on any enemy. It moves the game along nicely. I originally put off taking this power until 41, but wish I'd gotten at 38 when it was available. It improved my game that much.
Breath of Fire is, I realize, not very popular, but I really got a lot of use out of it. I typically leap into the middle of a big spawn, hit Build Up, then Combustion, Fire Sword Circle, then leap out of the spawn and blast them with BoF. It takes some manuevering, but it works. You're right that this is a situational power, though, so it won't be everyone's cup of tea.
Anyway, thanks for the Guide. Hopefully, it will let other players know what a nice combination WP/Fire is for Tankers.
Please try my arcs:
Arc# 63910 "Why Do Bad Girls Like Bad Boys?" (length=Long, levels 40+)
Arc# 401500 "How to Be a Successful Professional Criminal" (length=Very Long, levels 1-10)
This is very true, i need to go up and edit my first post to clarify my intent with this guide. Taking all the fire powers is great if your focused on doing damage with a tanker while still being able to survive. However the focus of this guide is getting the player able to tank well asap, and powers such as Fire Breath and Greater Fire Sword while being great dps, don't help your tanking very much, if at all, and could be replaced by other powers.
Thanks for the reply and your thoughts on my guide though
This will be my nexty 'toon! Thanks for the guide!
Awesome! That means this guide has made a difference! haha np, any questions feel free to post em and I will answer them best i can.
Does this port pretty directly to brutes?
I am making a fire/WP brute for a duo and would like to know how much of this works redside.
Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.
Should be almost exactly the same for brutes, main difference is the order in which you get powers, and the fact that the resists and defenses will not be quite as high. As far as play style if your playing a tanking brute, should be pretty much the same.
OK, so i rolled this WP/Fire yesterday. I think he is up to lvl 13 now. Really enjoying it. Combustion and Rise to the challenge are great. COmbined with Taunt and some patient teammates, you can really get some tight mobs together. I did have trouble in a group with two Khelds, it was Knockback city, but what the heck, right?
SMall End problems right now, but I dont have QUick Recovery yet. Keep you posted.
Edit- no AE visits yet, mostly radio teams
Yea, you will have end problems till you get quick recovery and have it slotted, then you will need to be cautious to not run out of end. Once you get stamina too and have it slotted you can kiss your end problems good by if you at least slot one end red into each toggle (and i assure you there are ALOT of toggles)
I got a PM with some comments about my guide, and I thought I'd share one of my replies because I hope it will explain my choice of in combat reasons for choosing Jumping over Flying.
Flying V other power pools- it's always personal preference. I personally won't use fly except for a concept build. Air sup is a nice attack, and great against 1 enemy, however in the situations where this tank should be facing one enemy the knock-up wouldn't do much (EB's and AV's) This tank's whole purpose is aoe tanking. SJ isn't the most maneuverable in the indoor instanced missions, but you should honestly try CJ. Combat jumping gives you enough speed and height that with hurdle gives you a great way to travel between different mobs, jump up to another story, or just jump right beside a teammate to save them. Once you get used to it you can jump very accurately. Then as far as the defense goes, yes it is small, and with proper IO's it may not be necessary, but my whole premise to this character, is to stack as many different types of protections (Def, Res, and Regen) as possible, so like I said in my guide Just another layer on the cake. |
No one else mentioned it, so I guess I will: Strength of Will can't take Recharge enhancements, so more than three slots of Resistance is pretty much useless. It is a good place to stick the Resist/Def IOs if you can afford them, though.
I noticed a lack of really new guides, and though there's not that much that has changed since the last WP/Fire guide, thought I'd write this one to share my opinions and hopefully help people give WP tanks a good name!

(In other words OMG! YES!)

What type of Tanker will this guide lean to wards?
This guide will focus on the powers and slotting to be able to tank in pretty much any situation. This will not be a high dps build, perhaps i will put my thoughts in later for a dps build as it is certainly possible with this amazing power set. The build themselves wouldn't be much different except the skip able powers in /Fire become alot less skip able, and you slot more for damage instead of so much acc.
Why Willpower?
Willpower is a mixture of Defense, Resistance, and Regen. The defense numbers aren't anything to write home about, the resistances are nice, but alone just isn't enough. The regen is better than any other tanker's able to get, but thats not too hard. Combine all the ways a WP tanker has to defend him/herself though and you have one tough as nails tanker! Another reason to use WP defense set is Quick Recovery, which is like stamina, only better, cheaper, and earlier in the build.
Why Fire?
Fire is a very AOE centered melee set, along with being one of the more damaging sets open to tankers.
Why the two together?
Willpower's main weakness is the fact that it's taunt aura is the weakest of all the tanker primary sets. It doesn't even last long enough on a boss to keep up without enhancements. Now combine that with the fact that all tankers have the inherent power called Gauntlet which taunts what ever you hit, along with some of its nearest buddies. Fire's very aoe heavy set allows you to keep agro over large mobs with the use of the AoE's open to you. The other reason is similar, Rise to the Challenge (RttC) is a toggle PBAoE that decreases the enemies chance to hit, taunts them, and most importantly increases your health regen a ton. Therefore a WP tanker will want to keep as many enemies within melee range as possible, and that just meshes well with the Fire secondary.
What is the main weakness of this set?
Knock-back! Idiot players who keep the mobs all spread out with KB will get your team killed faster than anything else. If you don't have taunt you have pretty much no way of keeping agro when someone knocks an enemy back out of your aura.
High Pain Tolerance- 1
Game Description- You have a greater tolerance to pain than others. You are also slightly resistant to all types of damage. This power is always on and costs no Endurance.
My Rating- 3/5
My Thoughts- This is an auto power that increases your maximum health by 374.82 at lvl 50, half of that is enhanceable. It also gives you 7.5% resistance to all damage types. I'd say take this as soon as you can, but it can be pushed back to later in the build if you desire.
Level to have this by- 30
Slotting- up to 6: 3 healing, 3 resistance
Mind Over Body- 1
Game Description- When you toggle on this power, you empower your Mind Over Body to become highly resistant to Smashing, Lethal and Psionic damage. Recharge: Fast
My Rating- 4/5
My Thoughts- This is your main damage resistance toggle, increasing your S/L by a base of 22.5% and your psych by 20%. It does take some end to keep it running, but you will have absolutely no shortage of end in most situations. This would be the power I pick at level 1.
Level to have this by- 10 at the latest.
Slotting- 4: 3 Resistance, 1 End Red
Fast Healing- 2
Game Description- You heal Hit Points at a faster rate than normal. This power is always on.
My Rating- 3/5
My Thoughts- This is exactly like the fitness pool power Health, only open earlier and more effective, without the prereq power. You should definitely take this power as it will decrease your downtime, and for WP every but of regen helps!
Level to have this by- 20
Slotting- 3: 3 healing
Indomitable Will- 6
Game Description- When you toggle on this power, it grants protection from Sleep, Disorient, Fear,Immobilize, Confuse, Repel, Knock-back and Hold effects. Indomitable Will also grants a moderate defense to Psionic based attacks. Recharge: Fast
My Rating- 5/5
My Thoughts- This is your mezz protection toggle. It is a very solid power, protecting you from every kinda controlling power except fear, which is not that common in pve. This also adds 10% defense to psionic attacks.
Level to have this by- 10!
Slotting- 1-4: 1 EndRed to start, at will add defense.
Rise to the Challenge- 8
Game Description- The more the odds are against you, the more determined you become. When surrounded by foes, your ability to regenerate health increases greatly. Additionally, your resolve and the look in your eye is enough to leave most foes shaken, so their attacks are less accurate. The first foe you engage in melee grants the highest regeneration bonus, and up to 10 foes can contribute to this effect. Recharge: Slow
My Rating- 10/5
My Thoughts- This power... is... for lack of a better term... the single most awesome power ever! Well, OK that may be stretching it, but as far as WP tankers are concerned its true. This power does so much its mind blowing! First it grants you a huge boost to your regeneration, which increases for every enemy up to 10 within melee range of you. Secondly it taunts every enemy within melee range, meaning with a few taunt enhancements, and as long as there's no knock-backs, agro is pretty tight. Lastly it has a small debuff to the enemies to hit chance, which while small still increases your survivability.
Level to have this by- 8, no ifs, ands, or buts about it!
Slotting- 6 slotted, use a combination of healing, taunt, and end that works for you. I use 3 heal, 2 Taunt, and 1 EndRed.
Quick Recovery- 12
Game Description- You recover Endurance at a faster rate than normal. This power is always on.
My Rating- 5/5
My Thoughts- This is to the fitness pool power Stamina as Fast Healing is to the power Health. You get this upgraded version of stamina without the prereqs and earlier in your build then anyone else in the game! With this you COULD do without stamina... or you could combine the benefits of both and kiss your end problems goodbye!
Level to have this by- 12 if at all possible!
Slotting- 3: 3 End Mod
Heightened Senses- 18
Game Description- You become more aware of your environment and its hazards while this power is activated. This will increase your Defense versus environmental, smashing and lethal damage as long as it is active. Your Heightened Senses also allow you to perceive stealthy foes and resist Defense Debuffs. Recharge: Fast
My Rating- 3/5
My Thoughts- This toggle is just another layer on the cake that is WP. It adds a small amount of defense to your S/L (3.30%) and environmental (13%) defenses. It also increases your resistance to defense debuffs, and increases your perception.
Level to have this by- No set level, squeeze this in when you can.
Slotting- 4: 3 Defense, 1 End Red
Resurgence- 26
Game Description- Should you fall in battle, you can Revive yourself from the brink of death. You will revive with most of your Hit Points and half your Endurance and be protected from XP Debt for 20 seconds. Additionally, for 90 seconds, your damage and accuracy will be improved. Then, for another 45 seconds, your damage and accuracy will be diminished. Recharge: Very Long
My Rating- 3/5
My Thoughts- This is your self rez power. I've heard so many arguments against self rezes... the foremost of em being "If you have this power your telling your group you anticipate dieing." I agree with that, but not with what those people are trying to say. I believe dieing in this game is a given, and especially as a tank it is nice when it happens to be able to get back up and right back into the action. As a tank having this power might well decide if your group wipes or if you pull off something amazing.
Level to have this by- Squeeze it in if you want it.
Slotting- 1 End Mod. I say this because slots could be placed better else where... the 1 end mod will give you a bit more end when you rez. The reason i don't say slot for recharge is if you are dieing more often than this is up, perhaps you should look for another team.
Strength of Will- 32
Game Description- When you active this power, you not only become extremely resistant to most damage, but also to Disorient, Immobilization, Hold, Knock-back and Sleep effects. Strength of Will costs little endurance to activate and increases your recovery for it's duration, but when it wears off you are left exhausted and substantially drained of Endurance. Note that Strength of Will is unaffected by Attack Rate changes. Recharge: Very Long
My Rating- 2/5
My Thoughts- Your God power, so to speak. It has its uses, however i believe with the WP set I believe making the buff from this be defense instead of resistance would of made this power so much better. As it is it gives you 25% S/L resistance, 12.5% to all others, some good mez protection, and increased endurance recovery. However it is very very easy, without ever even touching IO's, to get your resistances close enough to the 90% cap that most the 25% is just wasted for S/L, and i believe the 12.5% is too small of a bonus to the other types of damage to justify using this power. Take this if you like it, but I would not say this is a Must have power.
Slotting- if you take this might as well 3 slot it: 3 Resistance should do it justice.