Soloing AVs with a NW




Ok Im only posting in the scrapper forum because I feel its where the most knowledge ab soloing AVs is contained.
So is a NightWidow a god AT for AV soloing? I mean all AVs, I don't want to just pick and choose. I know I can easily hit the soft cap, but can i:
1)sustain the damage
2)sustain enough end
3)survive AVs with DEF-DeBuff
4)Is my HP going to be high enough for the attacks that get through?

I appreciate the help.



Originally Posted by TitanMan View Post
Ok Im only posting in the scrapper forum because I feel its where the most knowledge ab soloing AVs is contained.
So is a NightWidow a god AT for AV soloing? I mean all AVs, I don't want to just pick and choose. I know I can easily hit the soft cap, but can i:
1)sustain the damage
2)sustain enough end
3)survive AVs with DEF-DeBuff
4)Is my HP going to be high enough for the attacks that get through?

I appreciate the help.
with my little knowledge i think i can help, but with #1 do u mean sustain a high DPS chain or?..... but if #1 is sustaining a good DPS chain

1)would be able to since a NW is basicly the same as a claws/sr

2)would the right sets, i say yes.. remember that base +regen/+recov gives atleast .25 *iirc*

3)would have to be VERY luck to avoid attacks after the first lands... you have a 17.3% def debuff res, which i dont know if is enhanceable *which could put it up to 30%*

4)1074 BASE hp at lvl 50 would be enough to survive 2 direct hits in a row, one more and i think ull faceplant... BUT with the accolades you should be able to get around 1400 HP which could make you even more survivable.

so i hope my answers helped.

-Smite, self proclaimed lord of insanity



Originally Posted by Smite_King View Post
with my little knowledge i think i can help, but with #1 do u mean sustain a high DPS chain or?..... but if #1 is sustaining a good DPS chain

1)would be able to since a NW is basicly the same as a claws/sr

2)would the right sets, i say yes.. remember that base +regen/+recov gives atleast .25 *iirc*

3)would have to be VERY luck to avoid attacks after the first lands... you have a 17.3% def debuff res, which i dont know if is enhanceable *which could put it up to 30%*

4)1074 BASE hp at lvl 50 would be enough to survive 2 direct hits in a row, one more and i think ull faceplant... BUT with the accolades you should be able to get around 1400 HP which could make you even more survivable.

so i hope my answers helped.

-Smite, self proclaimed lord of insanity
#1 High enough to be successful, I don't really know how that is calculated I'm new to AVs
The rest doesnt look to promising, but maybe I just didnt understand

what is "iirc"?

Is there anything Else I should be considering when building this toon?



1)sustain the damage
2)sustain enough end
3)survive AVs with DEF-DeBuff
4)Is my HP going to be high enough for the attacks that get through?
1) No problem. Trivial in fact. The DPS of a NW is a thing of beauty.

2) IOs are your friend. All that DPS comes at a price, but you can make it so that you can sustain it. It's not cheap.

3) Once you softcap, it's going to be hard for the mobs to hit you enough, but mobs that have Radiant Infection and the like will tear you apart.

4) No. I had to take several tries at Indigo just for this reason. She would commonly get lucky and get that Headsplitter off and if I had even one HP gone already, it would take the rest.

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4)1074 BASE hp at lvl 50 would be enough to survive 2 direct hits in a row, one more and i think ull faceplant... BUT with the accolades you should be able to get around 1400 HP which could make you even more survivable.
That also depends on the AV you fight and what attack hits. But most AV attack it will be 2 that will kill you with that low of Hit points.

"All right, they're on our left, they're on our right, they're in front of us, they're behind us...they can't get away this time"- Chesty Puller US Marine Corps



So I'm guessing it just comes down to how lucky you are? You could go in there and get killed the first attack from the AV or you could go without him scratching you. In that case is Medicine pool even worth it? I mean if you die that quick why take the time for the heal?



The best part about widows is the fact that you have lovely 2ndary effects to go along with the scrapper/stalker-like feel. Your attacks do slow effects and you also have -regen powers. Its so funny watching mobs run away slowly. Let's not forget the criticals out of hide and the ability to placate. A blood/night widow hybrid would work wonders. The darts do more dmg then mental blast anyway. As odd as that may sound. And still recharge faster and cost less. Makes me want to dust off my widow.

"All problems can be solved by throwing enough scrappers at it."

@Riez on Virtue, Protector, Champion, and Exalted server.