Recovering NC master account?
To get assistance from support through e-mail, send a detailed description of your problem to:
To get voice assistance from support, you can call them. It is a toll number to Austin, Texas, so be aware of any long distance charges you may incur. This number is available Monday through Friday, 12 PM to 5 PM, Central Time Zone. (Remember to take note of Daylight Saving Time alterations.)
Please note that this phone number is for technical and billing assistance only.
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And in this case, it's easier/faster just to call so you can provide the required information in real-time, be it the Account-holder's name, previous payment information, or whatever else they happen to require from you as proof as ownership before resetting the password for you.
I have friend who wishes to return to the game. However she's been away for a year and has forgotten her account and password. Furthermore, she also lost her serial codes. Is there any chance of customer support being able to recover her account again?