Sharkhead Isle




If your on freedom, redside...dont go to shark just now..its having one of those days. Mapserver is dc'ing every 10 seconds



Originally Posted by MisterD View Post
If your on freedom, redside...dont go to shark just now..its having one of those days. Mapserver is dc'ing every 10 seconds
one of those days? dude, it took me about 5 minutes and about 50 mapserves later just to get to the base portal to get the heck out. lol...

This latest patch tho... I've been crashing a heck of alot more often and odd things are happening around the CoX world. I think the devs need to take another look at this "patch" they put in and see just whats goin on.



omg I'm glad it's not my PC. I've been mapwn'd so much lately. In my case it might be my conenction too. Every time it happens, I notice my modem resets as well. So my problem might be my connection coupled with the patch problems. Anyone else notice their modem power cycling upon a mapserve?



For those who don't already know, this problem was fixed AGES ago. consider this a un-offical lock of this thread. *LOCK & Swallows key*