Boss on AE Missions




I am trying to make it so the spawns throughout the mission maps have minions, lieutenants, and the occasional boss. How do I do this. When I have it set up for Mission objectives of Defeat a Boss as well as Rescue a Captive I get little groups of 3-4 minions and lts.'s through the map and then in the final cave I get a room full of lts' minions, and the EB I want in there. No bosses anywhere. I also had "additional objectives" as patrol and ambush (after the rescue). I changed one of the settings, and got no bosses in the normal map, but the final room was full of them. Made it impossible.

Does the kind of map it is affect this? How can I make the mission so there are sporadic bosses before any of the defined objectives?

Any help would be great. Thanks.

Try my AE Arc: Out of Place, Out of Time ID#304340.
Leave your Arc title in the feedback and I will check yours out as well.



If your custom group contains bosses that are not set to "do not auto-spawn" they will appear in normal spawns for teams. A soloer will only get them in battles set to "hard," and occasionally in random spawns on difficulty 2 or 4.

If you want a solo player to encounter your bosses, you can place them as optional objectives. That is the only way to guarantee that a soloer will have them spawn.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Unless you're placing bosses for a specific reason, it's probably best to let the team size or user's challenge level spawn the occasional boss automatically.

I've noticed that when I solo at challenge level 2 and 4 I'll get bosses every once in a while. Encounters with bosses spawn as bosses as well (on challenge level 1 all bosses spawn as lieutenants; EBs and AVs spawn as bosses and EBs).