Nibbles at Night




might be one i'll have to miss, nibz. Got a freakin meeting at work at 7am tomorrow *sigh* otherwise i'd be there. i'll TRY to catch someof it though



Originally Posted by Vulcanite View Post
might be one i'll have to miss, nibz. Got a freakin meeting at work at 7am tomorrow *sigh* otherwise i'd be there. i'll TRY to catch someof it though
OMG ewww on a SUNDAY! *gasp* thats wayyyy to early for a meeting!



Tonight on your "Extra Helping" of Nibbles at Night, I will be flying by the seat of my pants. There is no theme! Just whatever you all and I feel like listening too. Im headed out of town in the morning so I figured this works best. If I can find your songs you request then I will play them. Hope to cya all tonight.

On from 11pm-1am EST/10pm-Midnight CST



Originally Posted by Phillygirl View Post
*Pops into thread to wave at miz nibbles*

*waves back*
Hey Lady!



So for those who did not happen to catch my show on wed. night. I WILL NOT be on air tomorrow night. I am out of town and will not be able to get on. I will miss you all. Believe me this is not my idea of a vacation.

*crosses fingers an hopes she doesnt kill her father by monday morning!*




Sounds like something we should be following on the news



Good luck Nibz! May the force be with you!!!

[URL=""]Host of's The Marvelous Mix (Friday at 11pm EST)[/URL] [B]l[/B] [URL=""]The Dazz Blog[/URL]



Originally Posted by Vulcanite View Post

Sounds like something we should be following on the news
LMAO... u wish.

Wellll.... I made it home safe an sound. No one was injured either during the process of the 12 hr drive back home. Man its GREAT to be home! My fingers an eyes have missed my comp! (yes I know im a geek)



Well its that time again!

Nibbles at Night, "Extra Helping" will be live again tonight on from 11pm-1am EST/10pm-Midnight CST

I decided that since I AM from the south that tonights theme is "Southern Rock"! I am super excited about tonight. Should be lots of fun! And sadly when I am around alot of people or music that sound more southern then I naturally already do then my southern accent gets even thicker. So the question tonight will be how much MORE SOUTHERN will I sound by the end of the night? Tune in and enjoy some classic southern rock and come hang out in the live chatroom. There are always lots of people to talk to and things can get a bit out of hand! See yall tonight!




PS: Don't forget to check out Nibs' DJ Blog at!!! I made it for her !

[URL=""]Host of's The Marvelous Mix (Friday at 11pm EST)[/URL] [B]l[/B] [URL=""]The Dazz Blog[/URL]



Well good news! The Archives are back up so if you miss any of my shows you can grab them off the site and listen to them and save them for a latter time!



I have not listened to your show but will tune in this week, i just wanted to say CONGRATZ on being on KJSR and Cherry makes the show sound fun.

I also want to say CONGRATZ to your new radio mate Dazz Marvelous. He rocks in-game, i am looking forward to hearing his show as well.

Update, when i posted this 3 pages of posts popped up at the same time, so i see Dazz has posted already. Seems everyone is here at the same time



Nibbles at Night will not air tonight. I am on ACTUALY this weekend in FL ( unlike my trip last weekend) So sadly I will not be able to be on air tonight. I will be back to my normal schedule again starting next week.



Ok soooo does anyone have any requests for a theme for any upcoming shows? Im open to suggestions!

O btw Im back in town. And life is getting back to normal for me!



Well so far people have mentioned an oldies night!

Any other theme night requests?!?!?



disco disco and more disco.



Honestly, You can never have enough Abba. But have you tried a 90's or 80's themed night yet? I wish I could be awake to listen to your show, I will check out your archives and blast em while I declutter and such.

Global @Gender Poison
Imagine your RL Mug on your COH Mug on your Coffee Mug



Originally Posted by GenderPoison View Post
Honestly, You can never have enough Abba. But have you tried a 90's or 80's themed night yet? I wish I could be awake to listen to your show, I will check out your archives and blast em while I declutter and such.
Yes ive actually done a 90's Night, 80's Night, One hit Wonders of the 80's & One Hit Wonders of the 90's.

So I think its time for maybe just that a oldies night and a disco night.



I'm not so sure too many will groove on Patsy Cline or Dave Clark Five.. but why not educate em? You could SO do a segment on the history of music and lift the veil of ignorance for the musically devoted.

Global @Gender Poison
Imagine your RL Mug on your COH Mug on your Coffee Mug



Originally Posted by GenderPoison View Post
I'm not so sure too many will groove on Patsy Cline or Dave Clark Five.. but why not educate em? You could SO do a segment on the history of music and lift the veil of ignorance for the musically devoted.
Hmmm now THATs a good idea!



how about a "covers" theme



I'm suggesting an Aussie rock night, believe it or not but we do have other rock bands besides AC/DC...

Oh the requests you'd get from me... Limit of 3 per person? Hah!

Member of the Stoned Templars

{|-|} Easy Kills {|-|} A&TC {|-|}



Ok so Im totally digging the suggestions and im going to start filtering them in. But since I have started to do a blog As seen here! and I have started posting videos of songs I really enjoy.

I decided for tonight's show its going to be a show all about the songs that put you in a great mood. No matter what mood your in, sad, disappointed, mad, etc. What song do you listen to, to make yourself feel better? Well think about it and make sure to get your requests in tonight. On from 11pm-1am EST

Cya all tonight!



The Voice of Jello Shooters.... like the Pinnacle global channel?