Nibbles at Night




Originally Posted by Talon_Arsenal View Post
The Voice of Jello Shooters.... like the Pinnacle global channel?
Yeh there are several DJ's from there. I know most of the original DJ's are but there are several new DJ's that are from other servers or dont even play the game just have shows



Tonight on Nibbles at Night, “Your Late Night Snack”, will be focusing on cover-songs. This is one of the themes that was requested so I am going to do my best to filter requested themes into the shows along with the themes I like. So make sure to tune in and get your cover-song requests in. ANd don’t forget to tune in for The Smoking Lounge with DJ Rastafari Man from 9pm – 1am EST.



So tonight on your "Extra Helping". We will be bringing out your inner child with tonight theme. Disney songs! Now when I say Disney songs I mean music from disney cartoons and such..... not Hannah Montana & Jonas Brothers. So think back to past or present. What is your fav disney song, and be sure to tune in and request it tonight from 11p. - 1am EST. And be sure to catch DJ WRider from 7-9pm followed by our resident Ghost DJ Phantom Ghost from 9-11pm EST.



So Ive decided to make this interesting!

Whomever wins the contest tonight will get to pick the shows theme & a 6 song block for either this weekend's "Late Night Snack" or next weeks "Extra Helping", winners choice on which show! So make sure you tune in to find out what the contest is.



OMG! Not only is it Disney night but it comes with a TWIST!!! Woot!!!

I know I'll be tuning in! I LOVE your idea for the prize too! How fun to get to choose the next theme!!! HEHE!

[URL=""]Host of's The Marvelous Mix (Friday at 11pm EST)[/URL] [B]l[/B] [URL=""]The Dazz Blog[/URL]



I would like to congratulate @BamaHulk for winning the contest I ran last night.
The contest was who could send me the proper spelling Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. ANd he did it within about 30 secs. So as i stated yesterday with the announcement of the contest.... he has won the opportunity to pick my next shows theme (either this coming weekends show or next Wednesdays show), as well as a 6 song block of whatever songs he would like to hear during that theme.

So he has chosen to go with next Wednesdays show from 11pm-1am EST and his theme he has picked is "80's Movies Soundtrack"
Grats again BamaHulk!



Tonight on Nibbles at Night, Your Late Night Snack. We will be doing something a bit different. We will be exploring the music career of Eric Clapton. I have been wanting to do this particular show for quite a while. And since many of my listeners are knee deep in dbl xp weekend, I decided to just make it easy an put a playlist together with awesome music that this man has produced through his 46 yr career. We will start from the beginning and work our way through his growth and variety that he has produced throughout his very long prosperous career. So make sure you tune into from 1-3am EST. And don't miss tuning in early for DJ Rastafari Man from 9pm-1am EST.



Tonight on Nibbles at Night "Extra Helping" we will be doing the winners choice theme. On the "Extra Helping" last week, I ran a contest for who could ever spell supercalifragilisticexpialidocious the quickest and proper won the chance to pick my next shows theme as well as a 6 song block of whatever the theme was. So BamaHulk won... very quickly I might add!

He has chosen 80's Movie Soundtracks.He has gotten his requests in and they are ready to go. SO make sure to tune in tonight from 11pm-1am EST on And be sure to catch DJ WRider from 7-9pm followed by our resident Ghost DJ Phantom Ghost from 9-11pm EST.



Well since I have had my home office torn apart for the last 3 days I haven't had time to come up with a theme or have time to prep one since the comp has been disconnected. Sooo we are just gonna have a fun request show tonight. So make sure to tune in and get your requests in on from 1-3am EST. And dont miss DJ Rastafari Man from 9pm-1am EST.



Very excited!!! I can't wait to hear all the random requests!!!

[URL=""]Host of's The Marvelous Mix (Friday at 11pm EST)[/URL] [B]l[/B] [URL=""]The Dazz Blog[/URL]



random indeed!

a lot of you have some pretty cool taste in music.. a few of you..


and thanks for playin all my requests, even tho you butcherd Dokken

(with me even calling and sayin it on VM.. maybe i should have made it sound more "southern" and lil less "cali girl"... )like, omg, im totally sorry!

another nice show, nibs.



Tonight on your Extra Helping. We will be listening to singer/songwriters. So it will probably have a more relaxed feel then normal but a nice change of pace. Make sure to tune-in and get those requests in tonight from 11pm-1am EST on And dont miss the Traffic Jam w/ DJ WRider from 7-9pm EST followed by DJ Phantom Ghosts Remixes from 9-11pm EST.



Tonight on Nibbles at Night, Your Late Night Snack its all about my ipod on shuffle. I thought it would be fun to put my ipod on shuffle and see what comes up. And considering I have over 6,000 songs on there, who knows what will come up. I will be taking requests like always but I will be playing at least every other song a shuffle song. So tune in and see what crazy music pops up that I listen to, tonight (early morning) from 1-3am EST. And don't miss DJ Rastafari Man with his smoking lounge before me from 9pm-1am EST.



Tonight on Nibbles at Night, Extra Helping. I will be doing my Halloween show early since I will not be in town for my weekend show! So tune in, get all your favorite Halloween song requests in and lets have one hell of a kick off for the up and coming weekend of festivities. Make sure to tune in from 11pm-1am EST. And don't miss catching the Traffic Jam w/ DJ WRider from 7-9pm EST, and afterwards help DJ Phantom Ghost clean up the mess on the highway with his remixes from 9-11pm EST. On!



You played my song. I love you.



Heya Nibs or Dazz? My limewire is busted and I need a copy of the song *shudder* "Thriller" for a Halloween Shindig my daughter is throwing tomorrow night. Can one of you send me a copy? Many thanks. It will save me much grief.


Global @Gender Poison
Imagine your RL Mug on your COH Mug on your Coffee Mug



How do you NOT have that song???

That should be against the law or something!!!

[URL=""]Host of's The Marvelous Mix (Friday at 11pm EST)[/URL] [B]l[/B] [URL=""]The Dazz Blog[/URL]



Did you get taken care of GP??? Sorry its taken so long to reply, this is my first time online since thursday night!



Nibbles at Night, Late Night Snack will not be airing tonight. I am currently out of town visiting my grandparents so I will be unable to broadcast. I will be back in time for my Extra Helping on Wed from 11pm-1am! There are quite a few halloween shows airing though, so make sure to listen to for all your halloween music! Hope everyone has a safe and Happy Halloween! Cya Wed.



Yep! Both Daz n Jak took care o meh,

Global @Gender Poison
Imagine your RL Mug on your COH Mug on your Coffee Mug



Well I arrived back from vacation late last night. And due to the fact that I am trying to play catch up! Tonight's Extra Helping of Nibbles at Night is just gonna be all about randomness yet again. Life has had me all different directions so I haven't had the time to work on themes I've been wanting to do. So just request whatever you wanna hear tonight and if I can find it or am willing I will play it! So tune in on from 11pm-1am EST and get those requests in. And dont miss the traffic jam that DJ WRider makes from 7-9pm EST. Followed by DJ Phantom Ghost dishing up fun remixes from 9-11pm EST.



OK YOU so called it Nibs.. I fell asleep. Please don't be mad. But I DID post it on the network MotD AND I talked about it in chat before I logged to watch Religulous. I'll help think up a totally rad themeI promise. Amy's been jamming to Def Leppard this week...hmm there's a thought.

@AngieB & @Angie B
Ms. Paragon City 2009
"The ingenuity of game players is a formidable force that, if properly directed, can be used to solve a wide range of scientific problems." - Firas Khatib



Tonight on Nibbles at Night, Late Night Snack, we are gonna have a little bit different theme. We will be doing "Whats YOUR Theme Song". Example being that my intro song is "Do You Wanna Date My Avatar", its a song that def. defines me to s certain aspect of my life. So I have a few songs that do so besides that but whats YOUR theme song? DJ Dazz an I agree that everyone should be allowed up to 3 songs that can define you! So start thinking those up and get them requested tonight from 1-3am EST on And when requesting make a note if you like as to how come this song defines you.



Tonight on the Extra Helping of Nibbles at Night, we will be taking a walk down memory lane. Its all about those songs that when you hear them it brings back special memories. Its all about nostalgia tonight! So come hang with me an take a walk down each others memory lanes. You are more than welcome to post what the song reminds you of when placing your requests. So tune in tonight on from 11pm-1am EST.



Due to station difficulties all shows are canceled for tonight. So therefore Nibbles at Night will not be airing tonight. Sorry!