All Defender STF-Tonight 10:00 Central




Title says it all. I realize this is short notice, but my roommate and I want to do an all defender STF tonight. It will take place at 10 p.m. Central Standard time. If you want to sign up, take the time zone into consideration please. I'll update this list as people sign up.

1. MunkiLord- Freezestress(Cold/Dark)
2. JSHMOE- Wishful Freeze(Cold/Arch)
3. Mateo_06- Nurse Smurfette(Emp/Rad)
4. Dr Infinite- Madam Shadow(dark/dark)
5. Alt_AKA_Joe- Joe Glow(emp/rad)
6. -Crashing Soundwaves(Kin/Sonic)
7. -Killer Rad(rad/rad defender)
8. -Chaos-Shadow(kin/psy)

I've never done an all defender STF before, but I'll just guess that I expect this to take 2-3 hours. But it could be much shorter too if we kick lots of ***.

Since this is such short notice, if I don't get at least five people signed up before go time then I'll just have to reschedule to another time(probably next week).

One last thing, I will be setting it up as a MoSTF, however that isn't very important to me. Just doing it in case we're that good.

Edit: Also, we'll be meeting at Statesman in IP. When you get on you can send a tell to Freezestress or a global tell to @MunkiLord.



I'd be up for it:
Nurse Smurfette: (50) Emp/Rad



I've got a Dark/Dark I can bring. Name's Madam Shadow.



Add Joe Glow emp/Rad blast



Sweet, that makes five of us so far(my minimum to attempt tonight). Hopefully a couple more people sign up, but if not I'm sure we'll be able to find three more defenders.



Well, we attempted a MoSTF run. Everything went great, made it to LR without any defeats. Unfortunately we just didn't have the damge to take down the tower. Shoulda got some red inspirations. I'll take the blame for this one, it wasn't very organized. But that's ok, I think I learned some stuff and it'll be better next time.

I still had fun though. Thank you everyone that showed up, it was a blast. Hopefully next week I'll try this again.



I thought we were gonna do it. We were pretty much untouchable the whole time. We just couldn't get the towers, and we couldn't keep LR focused on a single person.

Well it was fun anyway. See you next time!



Indeed. It was fun, even though in the end a complete failure. lol

If you go again and I'm free, I'll be there.



As Long as you don't run it on a Monday or Wednesday I'll be there