The Next DXp
I think that by the next 2x weekend the PLing problem will either be dealt with (in one way or another) or not. In either case, it makes this suggestion pointless. If it IS dealt with, then there's no reason to close it down. If it's NOT dealt with, then the devs don't think it's as big a deal as some people seem to imagine, so they'd have no reason to shut down the most popular 2x xp leveling method.
So whether it's a real problem or not, I just don't see it happening.
yes thats why their letting you pad your own mish with as many spawns as you want :P
they gonna fix it alright ..lulz
they giving you new filler options in the next issue....dont hold your breathe on them getting rid of anything
too many things are broke and too many things on the way....theres no way with a big issue and a ful exspansion theyll have anytime for the rest of the year to "help" those that dont want 2xp in the a.e.
1-50 in 3.5 hours today in AE. It's too easy.
They enabled it it's not our fault for using it.
next dxp that happens can you remove it from the AE or take it down, i dont like everyone just doing AE farms over the dxp.
normally i dont fully mind it but over the dxp it shouldnt
i know people will moan about this some argee and others say people pay for this game so they can play it there way. fine! however i dont pay for this game just to ae over n over. thats all im saying normal xp (if its still there) for nxt one or none ie take it down for the 3 days.
what ya think?