New Settings Suggestion




Was thinking, would be great if we could award players with a temporary power at the start/during/end of a mission and the ability to add a weakness to this power on a bosses settings....

also while im at it, how about animation based fighting between 2 groups, or the ability to change hostage and alike mobs to just 1 enemy guard the captive so animations make more sense rather than hostage using ground animation of being punched and a mob of 6 guards randomly hitting different areas of the ground.

@Infurnus Mech

My honoured bretheren. We come together, to unite as one, against those that are damned, we show no mercy, for we have none, our enemies shall fall, as we uprise, to claim our fate, now and forever, we'll be together, in love and hate - Jason "Shyboy" Arnold



All great if they were used purely as intended... but we all know that temps would be mainly used for explots...

Maybe temps could be implemented easier if there was a series of buffs/debuffs (and effectively temps doing buff/debuff to player and mobs) and you could choose to have a mixture as long as you had a number of debuffs equal to or greater than the number of buffs(from a player standpoint).

i.e. you could make missions harder or with a mix of buf/debuff, but couldn't use the system to just make missions easier.

Could stop it being abused, but would, no doubt, take far more dev time than was worthwhile.

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