HAMI RAID Sign ups!!!
I should be able to attend. In the middle of my summer holiday, but should be able to get online for this.
Got various toons, but the ones best suited for this is probably either my rad/rad corr or my dark/pain corr. Both having rez but none with TP I'm afraid.
"Style before purpose"
Aloha Omega,
I'd like to sign up with whichever of the following you could make best use of:
Xemulas- Ice/cold Corr
Celius- Ice/Ice Dominator
Falz- DB/SR Br00t
Couleur- Necro/Dark MM
Teal Widow- Fortunata
I'll try and be around for EoE farming also, and stockpile some in my base just in case
count me in with, Poison Jade DeVil 50 MM Robo/Poison.
Also she has Rez and TP.
Its in the middle of my vacation, but if Im around, I will definately come.
CX-50 bots / dark MM, with recall friend
I would like in too. I can bring
Bricklayer: Dark Melee/Energy Aura brute
Fruit Cocktail: Thugs, Poison Mastermind
Shesinellek: Fire Control/Psionic Assault Dominator
Solomon Smith. Bane Spider
Proud member of Blaze of the Immortals (Heroes) and leader of F.O.E (villains)
Plumber, Ice Desert Girl, Doc Goodheart, Banana Machoman, Pavattone, Penguin Shark, Sting like a Bee
Bricklayer, Savage Dentist, Fruit Cocktail, H. Yashida, Shesinellek
I would like to sign up for this.
50 fire/fire brute.
I'm in.
Either a Crab, Widow, Fire/Thermal Corr or a Mind/NRG Dom
Take your pick Ommy.
Ta mate
Co-Leader of The Echelon
Check out our calendar for weekly events: http://forum.theechelon.eu/index.php?action=calendar
Always trying to keep you in regular teams and doing fun events, if you fancy joining us, then send me a tell to @Mr Shock
I'm in dude
Lotus Assasin at your service. ninja/forcefield
I would join the hammi raid too.
The following AT can be bring to raid :
Fujiyama : lvl 50 plant/fire domi
Otohime : lvl 50 db/willpower brute
Seiobo : lvl 50 earth/electric domi
Marishi-Ten: lvl 50 ice/kin corr
Toyotama-hime:lvl 50 dark/zombi mm
Yuki_oona : lvl 50 ice/ice domi
I too would like to contribute to the coalition of evilness... lvl50's i can bring are:
Raq - MM (Ninja/Dark)
Raiq - Brute (Dark/Dark) *best slotted toon*
Cerberus Prime - Brute (Elec/Elec)
Maelstroms Blade - Brute (Dual Blade/Energy)
I wouldn't mind joining this either.
Can bring any the following level 50's depending on what is desired:
The Green Witch - Plant/Thorn Dominator
The Thief of Time - Ice/Kinetics Corruptor
Mr. Gadget - Robots/Force Fields Mastermind
The Philosopher of Pain - Electric/Pain Corruptor
@Nanas (on Defiant)
i do have a mm, currently lvl47, whom i could bring along, but i'm not 100% sure i can be there that time (if this still happening...)
oh tough luck! The forum migration collides with the Hami Raid:
Between 3PM and 5PM British Summer Time (16:00 and 18:00 Central European Summer Time), on July 28th, the current UBB Message Boards will be taken offline in order to transfer the data over to the vBulletin Message Boards. This means that the UBB Message Boards will NOT be accessible during that time. The work that needs to be done on the new boards is expected to take approximately 72 hours
[/ QUOTE ]
I advice to keep a copy of this post somewhere in our hard drives... since we'll be unable to access it, and of course sign up before the forum goes down...
What do you think Omega_MCX?
Proud member of Blaze of the Immortals (Heroes) and leader of F.O.E (villains)
Plumber, Ice Desert Girl, Doc Goodheart, Banana Machoman, Pavattone, Penguin Shark, Sting like a Bee
Bricklayer, Savage Dentist, Fruit Cocktail, H. Yashida, Shesinellek
I'll bring one of the Scarlets (Plant/Thorns Dom or Rad/Rad Corr) or my SoA
Happy to bring what's best needed

Thelonious Monk
Can we know what happened Omega?
Lots of us came but you didn't
Proud member of Blaze of the Immortals (Heroes) and leader of F.O.E (villains)
Plumber, Ice Desert Girl, Doc Goodheart, Banana Machoman, Pavattone, Penguin Shark, Sting like a Bee
Bricklayer, Savage Dentist, Fruit Cocktail, H. Yashida, Shesinellek
That's right sign up time, as we all know the key to a successful raid is a solid plan and some well structured teams.
As usual if your interested note down what your characters name, Archtype and powers you have and what your team+ position of choice would be. The example being X-16 Robot/dark mm raid leader please 
But first the date. The raid will be on Thursday the 30th at 8pm, so make sure to be there at 7:30pm!
EoE gathering will be on at Sunday 19th + 26th at 7:30pm
The Teams!
Leader Team (Masterminds) The job of the mastermind team is to sit behind the pillar in the north and out of sight to prevent aggro, once done they will send in a steady stream of pets to grab hami's aggro, the two kins will be providing speed boosts so that pet recharge is high and fast enough to do this.
Raid Leader:- X-16 bots/dark Mastermind
Yellow Teams
pretty identical to the yellow teams from the hero raid The team make up will be brutes and stalkers, their job is simple and to beat the stuffing out of the yellow mito's while hami is being distracted by the mm pets. This time 1 buffer and debuffer will accompany the team while an extra buffer will sit back with tp and rez's waiting in case they are needed. One more thing of note, this will be the only team that will need EoE's since they will be in the line of fire, however this wont exempt all raid members from bringing EoE's.
Yellow Team 1
Buffer:- (Will hang back with the Leader team with recall friend and rez's waiting)
Yellow Team 2
Buffer:- (Will hang back with the Leader team with recall friend and rez's waiting)
Assault teams
New change for villains these 2 teams will take on the greens first followed by the blues. Team make up is preferably Dominators and Corruptors for their high ranged dmg ability as well as hold powers which will be needed to hold the green mito's so that they're shields drop and make em easy picken's, although if struggling to make up team mates i can easily let the groups let in the odd brute or stalker, however they will have to hold the aggro for the group. Finally last note a healer will be needed to stay in the back lines with TP and Rez's at the ready.
Assault team 1
Leader + Raid Targeter:-
Buffer:- (Will hang back with the Leader team with recall friend and rez's waiting)
Assault Team 2
Buffer:- (Will hang back with the Leader team with recall friend and rez's waiting)
Well that's the plan and team make up's done, now spread the word on the global channels so we can get an awesome raid team together
If your friends can't access the forums feel free to post up for them too or get them to give me a shout at my global (be warned my job keeps me from playing allot now so don't expect an immediate response), however priority will be given to those that actually come on the boards to make they're request.