Bug or Something else?
No, it's called Diminished Returns. Your KB prot along with the KB IO's get diminished when you enter a PvP zone.
that doesnt explain the sudden change, or the fact that no one else Knock's me back....
I know about DR
Consciousness: that annoying time between naps.
Just took a look at it in mids, 'KO Blow' has a 7.79 mag knockup.
Hurl has a 7.79 mag KB
Handclap has a 5.19 mag KB
The other knockback powers in that set have a base 0.67 mag knockback.
(Which being below mag 1 IIRC means it does knockdown.)
Also remember they stack for a short duration too, so getting hit with 2x KO will hit you for a total of 15.58 KU.
I know all this,
There are brutes out there that hit alot harder alot more often and they don't knock me back, but this 1 toon does, and neither of us can work out why.
Even Sniff can't knock me down, but some some reason this /elec can. and he's not packing anything special.
It's not stacking btw
we tested it, 1 KOblow hit = me on the floor.
Consciousness: that annoying time between naps.
You can't resist every Knockout Blow. Eg: my WP/ Tank has Indomitable Will, I've had over 100 duels with him and have only ever been KB'ed once.
Your acting as if you are able to resist every Knockout Blow that comes your way!
Was the SS/Elec Brute only able to KB you once? Or can he do it repeatedly? If it was just the once, then I'd take into account what I've written above.
It's every time. and its only him.
Consciousness: that annoying time between naps.
Mind if we request both builds in mids format?
Using my WP / SS tank in Rv I have never been knocked back / down / up or anywhere... I have Indomitable will and 3 Knockback prot IO's.
when a KO,Blow fom a partially slotted SS/Elec brute sent me flying into the air. :O !!
So.... you would understand my shock
After asking, the brute (a very friendly PvP'er) helped me test it, his WP brute cannot Knockme back, neither can anyone else in Zone that I have found so far...
So why on earth is it that this 1 toon negates my KB prot?
P.S - I have fought other /Elec and I have had no issues, also the brute in question has KO slotted with crushing impact IO's, nothing more.
Is this a bug?? or what!
Consciousness: that annoying time between naps.