extra character slots




so im trying to buy some extra character slots, my card is on file, accepted, fine, i have the box ticked for it to approve purchases, i log onto coh try and buy slots, go through the whole process, charge my card etc etc "purchase requested may take a short time to complete" yes fine then always the same message "Payment could not be accepted for your order" "invalid payment details, please check the information entered and try again".......could someone help? what am i doing wrong? i really want more char slots



It sounds like the details on file aren't valid, even though it was accepted.

We forumites can't help you. Raise a support ticket.

Necrobond - 50 BS/Inv Scrapper made in I1
Rickar - 50 Bots/FF Mastermind
Anti-Muon - 42 Warshade
Ivory Sicarius - 45 Crab Spider

Aber ja, nat�rlich Hans nass ist, er steht unter einem Wasserfall.



Im having the exact same problem, I have sent a petition about it and was told they will look into it an get back to me that was some weeks ago

Tried removing the card an reinputting details but no luck.

You can run...But you'll just die tired.

PvP_SG_SuperUnion_Co Leader
PvP_VG_Disruption_Co leader
@global handle



Another Daily dose of lols.... Thanks again Paragon Studio's.

People are trying to give you money and your not even sorting that out. That's basic business, surely?

CoH PvP SG = SuperUnion - Co-Leader - Union/Freedom
CoV PvP VG = Disruption - Co-Leader - Union/Freedom
Global = @Rent & @Rent.

Playgroup are all **** - Global Handle



Just tried to buy some myself with a solo card and i'm getting the same "payment information is invalid" message, when i know it isn't.

So, What's the crack?

CoH PvP SG = SuperUnion - Co-Leader - Union/Freedom
CoV PvP VG = Disruption - Co-Leader - Union/Freedom
Global = @Rent & @Rent.

Playgroup are all **** - Global Handle



Not sure but weird things are happening with solo now too, my game subs stopped for no reason and I had to reactivate the accounts again. I sent a support ticket but sadly have received bugger all back about it.

Maybe its the maestro fiasco all over again.

Zhaan, Chakyra, Fiorina 161, Aeryn, Polly Nation, Dee Pression, Shazanne, Night Jester and too many more to mention.

Network Hell 47640
Valley of the Harpies 74519
Green and Pleasant Land 75966



I've had this quite regularly.

It seems like, if I've bought something earlier the same day on the internet, there's some sort of "fraud warning" that prevents me from completing any other internet purchase.

If I wait a day, the order goes through fine. Very annoying, but I guess I should be happy they're trying to protect my money.



That, i could cope.

Not being able to buy anything at all is just silly.

CoH PvP SG = SuperUnion - Co-Leader - Union/Freedom
CoV PvP VG = Disruption - Co-Leader - Union/Freedom
Global = @Rent & @Rent.

Playgroup are all **** - Global Handle